Wild dwarves

They live in very remote areas of jungle and desert. They can have light brown or tan skin to a dark black skin. They wore very little, if any, clothing or armor, and use animal grease to cover their tattoo and scar-covered skin to keep away insects and make themselves slippery. Both males and females could grow beards, and their beards and woven hair provided satisfactory covering for their otherwise naked They often plastered themselves, skin and hair, with dried mud, which served as a surprisingly effective armor. For adornment, they carved earrings, bracelets and necklaces out of bone. They like gems.   Their Wizards and priest are the same thing, either one can use the other spells, they are completely interchangeable.   They have the advantage in scouting, hunting, tracking and survival. (Deseret and Jungle) They are good haulers. They live in shallow dwellings in desert or in the trees in a tropical climate.   They have a disadvantage to mining. they become distracted and will leave a pick or shovel to chase after a rabbit. If and when they wear armor, it will be light at best. They tend to like shiny bobbles and have no bounders between their stuff and yours. if they like an item that you possess, they will take it. They do not think of this as steeling, if they were able to get it from you without attacking you, then they feel that they deserve the item in question.   Wild dwarves held the wisdom of their elderly in respect, but those with weakness or illness were often abandoned to die for the good of the hunting group.   As a rule, wild dwarves were not trusting of strangers, and would avoid detection whenever possible.   They are very Chaotic in their nature.   Weapon choice: short spear club dagger axe short bow blow gun darts shield helmet (sometimes)
Encompassed species


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