Alcaire Settlement in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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"Alcaire lies to the west, where farmers and fishing villages depend upon the favorable weather and bountiful harvests to eke out an existence. Some locals give thanks to Zenithar, but our geographers credit the clement conditions of the Iliac Bay. It is here that Mighty Talos was born Hjalti Early-Beard before he ascended to Emperor Tiber Septim and eventually to Godhood." -Flaccus Terentius, High Rock, it's Land and People   Alcaire is a city on the south-central coast of High Rock, on the north shore of Iliac Bay. Alcaire borders Koegria to the west, the Wrothgarian Mountains to the north, and Menevia to the east. With many thatched houses and pleasant gardens, it is the quintessential Breton settlement and not many could resist its easy-going idyllic charms. With Alacire keep sitting at the height of the town, its ruler looks down upon their city, witnessing a magnificent view that encapsulates much of the beauty of the kingdom. The climate of Alcaire is described as pleasantly mild and dry, with farmers and fishing villages depending upon the favorable weather and bountiful harvests.   Alcaire celebrates Tibedetha (Bretonic for "Tiber's Day") on the 24th of Mid Year, honoring its most famous son, Tiber Septim, with a great party. It is said that one Hjalti Early-Beard was born within its borders, and that Hjalti would go on to become Tiber Septim. Despite this, it is also said that the Emperor never returned once to his beloved birthplace. However following the Great War, this celebration has been cancelled and all seen practising Talos worship are imprisoned by the Thalmor.   However before the birth of Talos, the city was best known for its plentiful pink roses that grow throughout its gardens, becoming its symbol; so much so that when the Thalmor disbanded The Holy Order of Talos, they were reformed as The Knights of the Rose. Every year on the 16th Sun's Height the city holds its Bloom day, where keen botanists have their roses judged by city officials. The winner has their rose immortalised by magically slowing its aging so that the last petal will fall in one years time, for the next bloom day. This magical rose is displayed in the town hall for all to see.   During the New Life Festival, Alcaire locals are known to enjoy sword-pies, a hearty meat pie served with a miniature bone sword cooked inside, recovering the sword is said to grant the luck of Magnus.   Today, Alcaire is ruled by Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler, cousin to King Barynia and former knight. The Arch-Duke is a popular ruler, seen as a defender of the city from the Thalmor and even the king himself.
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