Chapter II: My Kingdom For a Crown Report in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Chapter II: My Kingdom For a Crown

General Summary

"I hereby name you, The Secret Order of Pints." -Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler   When you sleep, you see the reality of the dream. Waking only obscures the dream from your true view. Once awake, you are in full control of your actions, however it is this control that denies you the truth. What is it you see when you sleep? Visions of home? Nightmares of your demise? Heaven? All are true, all are potential nonsense only made sense by the dreamer. Beware your dreams but wary more of those who see the dream.   When you awoke it was in Alcaire Keep, home of Arch-Duke Louis Orvoler, 1st cousin to the King of Wayrest and Lord of Alcaire. However, it was not the Arch-Duke who requested an audience with the party, but the King himself. Sitting upon the Alcaire throne was King Barynia Orvoler who thanked you for your service and paid you 100 gold for your work, however he made it very clear that the group's help was no longer needed to recover Wayrest from the pirates that currently occupy it. During a small argument with the group over the matter, the King revealed that almost his entire family perished in the attack, leaving him with no obvious heir. The King made it clear he wanted professionals for the job, which he did not consider you as, going on to proclaim the reformation of the order of the purse. With finality in his tone, the King thanked you once more and the party departed the castle.   With the reward money the group hit the Alcaire market and on this particularly rainy day, found much enjoyment in its delights, wistfully spending your money away. You then lunched at the Golden Pony with your companions Julius and Wyndrama who informed you of their intention to stay in Koeglin for now until news arrived of Julius' father. Whilst in the tavern, you were approached by a cloaked man who asked you to meet his Thalmor resistance front at the Alcaire Temple on the 24th Mid Year, just over a week away. You were approached once again by a guard who gave you a note that requested a meet at the tavern in Koeglin.    Upon leaving Alcaire, the group found some Wayrest refugees being preyed upon by some locals. The party protected the refugees and Pietea forged a letter in the name of the King that granted them access and housing within the city.    Once in Koeglin the party entered the tavern and found it to be empty, except for one man: The Arch-Duke. He bayed the party to sit with him and told you of his proposal. He believes the King was responsible for the attack on Wayrest and wants you to find evidence of this. The King has pulled all knightly orders to his personal service, so you are the Arch-Duke's one and only hope. He wishes to form you into a secret knightly order and promised to legitimise the order once he is made king, following the evidence of his cousin's wrong doing comes to light.   That night you met the Arch-Duke and Bathes-In-Sand, who was to act as the group's defacto leader. Louis swore the group in as their requested name: The Secret Order of Pints. He then showed the group to Beachside, a modest shack on the Koeglin shoreline that will act as their base. Julius and Wyndrama were already inside. Here Louis gave the Secret Order of Pints its first mission: to find evidence of the King's involvement in the attack on Wayrest and secondly to assist in the recapture of the city. The Arch-Duke gave you three leads and left you to prepare for your journeys.

Rewards Granted

100 Gold to each member of the party, rewarded by King Barynia for their service in informing the crown of the attack on Wayrest.   The Formation of the Secret Order Pints - Each party member gained the rank: Knight
Report Date
09 Oct 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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