Anglamo Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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There are many Altmeri wizards; there are very few quite like Anglamo. A humanitarian, who seeks to help all peoples with his research, Anglamo is a high elf of very rare stock. Wearing a emerald robe, with curiously silver hair that cascades down to the elf's waist; a style that is most unusual for Altmer of his generation. Anglamo is not one for convention however, and proudly sat as the court wizard of Wayrest, however, only a single year into his service Barynia Orvoler took the throne, Anglamo disdained with every ounce of his being. So the elf left court and went on to pursue his research.   Growing up in Cloudrest was a privileged life for the high elf, however one event would come to define his life so far: the killing of his own father. Anglamo is rightly regarded as an expert on vampirism, this is thanks to the tragic circumstances he found himself in as just a teenager. Anglamo discovered his father, a merchant named Aromir, had contracted vampirism and even worse, was indulging in his new found desires of elven blood. When confronted, his father fled, turning into a 5 year hunt to put an end to the former merchant's bloodlust. When he finally found Aromir, Anglamo tried to convince his father to be cured, this feral creature was no longer the young Altmer's father and so immense pain, Anglamo killed his father. That day he swore to find a way to ensure that no one else have to succumb to the dark urges of vampirism.   Anglamo is conducting research on the giant portal that was used during Cloudtop's heyday as an Arena stadium. Upon meeting The Knights of Pints, Anglamo tasked them with finding a his assistant, Trevor, who was expected to return to the ruin many weeks ago. The young Breton had delved into the Bonesnap ruins to find an Ayeleid crystal to help with his master's research.


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