Session IV: Now You're Playing With Portals Report in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Session IV: Now You're Playing With Portals

General Summary

"Here we remember, on this day, the 201 lives that were tragically lost. We will never forget them and we will not rest until justice is served to those responsible." -Wayrest Warriors statement on the 10th anniversary of the Cloudtop Disaster   When you awaken, you are transported from the realm of the dream to the land of reality. When you travel, you transport from one place to another. When you are taken by carriage, ship or mount, you are being transported. These are journeys. What is an adventure without the journey? A wise man once said that adventure can't exist without first being changed by the journey. These essential voyages that we partake on allow us to grow and change and explore. Can convenience ever replace the power of these experiences? Can speed ever prove preferable to enlightenment? Perhaps you can have one and the other, but the left hand must work just as hard as the right to replicate its meaning.   Our heroes were rudely awoken on the 20th Mid Year by a chorus of singing outside of the abbey they had stayed the night. Upon investigation, they found the noise to be coming from a group of arena fans, on their way to pay their respects to the 20th anniversary of the Cloudtop disaster, a horrific event that saw the Cloudtop arena collapse and 201 fans lost their lives.   The Knights of Pints joined the fans on their journey and after much walking and a lot of singing, they found their way to cloudtop, a fortress at the height of a large hill. Pietea recognised this to Shinji's Scarp, as well as Cloudtop Arena, the ruin they were to find the wizard Anglamo. The party climbed to the top of the hill and found the gate locked with several levers around it. Skargob, however decided to bust the gate open himself and ripped open a hole in the middle of the gate to climb through. The party did just that and found themselves in a courtyard that was once the Cloudtop marketplace, now abandoned and with various coloured portals surrounding its perimeter.    The knights experimented with these portals, Skargob entering one to find a flower pot and rose. He smashed this, itched his balls and then left. One portal sent Pietea and Skargob falling into the ruins of the Cloudtop Disaster, where Pietea found a mysterious golden crystal. Niiran found a room of more portals and the entire group dived into one to save one of the arena fans being scorched by a summoned Flame Atronach.   Eventually Trebor discovered a key in the flower pot Skargob neglected to investigate. Using this key, they used a portal that transported them to a lab. Here they met the wizard Anglamo who was delighted to hear they were sent by Arch-Duke Louis, but very troubled by the news of the vampire attack on Wayrest. He took the crystal from Pietea and told the party he could help them with the vampires with a sample of vampire dust for study. Anglamo then requested the help from the knights in finding his assistant Trevor who had not returned from an expedition to the Bonesnap Ruins.
Report Date
30 Oct 2022
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