Charlie Montlyle Character in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
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Charlie Montlyle

Do you want rare curios found from across all corners and kingdoms of High Rock? Maybe you just like to hear the latest gossip and are raring for a chin-wag with one of the Breton people's greatest ever conversationalists? Well you cam have it all at Charlie’s Collection of Cheap Commodities! A shop for all your needs at fair prices, now at the Koeglin Village.   Charlie Montlyle is the son of a noble in Daggerfall, expected for greatness following what was a promising academic career, yet after drop-out after drop-out, Charlie's prospects have diminished greatly and this has earned him the ire of his father. Charlie, however, claims to be happier than ever running his shop in Koeglin with his brother, who procures the inventory from his adventures across High Rock


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