Session III: Hammer and Fang Report in The Elder Scrolls: Nexus | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session III: Hammer and Fang

General Summary

"Find me the King, I shall take his crown." -Mysterious Pirate Captain   Belief. Belief is a strange concept. You'd be a fool to not believe in the Gods or the Daedra, their presence in our world is as clear as mist after a heavy downpour. Yet do you truly believe in them? Do you believe that they guide you, that they will act in your best interests? For that matter, do you even believe in yourself? Perhaps it is all a lie, a trick we fool ourselves with to face the day. But, perhaps the real trick is inverse; we face the day to truly begin to believe. Can one find oneself without challenge and tribulation? How can you truly appreciate Kynareth's mighty domain of the sky without venturing out to see its many hues? Will our ancestors and their cousins across the void simply vanish without us? Where does belief begin and where will it end?   The morning of 19th Mid Year was a special dawn for the party, as this was the first day they awoke as the Knightly Order of Pints. Following the leads given by Arch-Duke Louis, the Order decided to head to Shinji's Scarp, also known as Cloudtop, to seek the wizard Anglamo and his expertise in vampirism.   The group left early to prepare for their journey by stopping off at the local general goods store, but not before Niiran decided to passive aggressively mock Julius and his journal by feigning to keep one himself. The group met the proprietor of the shop, a Breton named Charlie, who sold them a variety of goods, whilst also asking the party if they could help him find some treasure buried on Mudcrab Beach. The group agreed and headed off for the Scarp.    The knights walked for a few hours until they were alarmed by the sight of a priest running straight past them in terror. The group pushed forward and found an Abbey being attacked by a group of pirates. Pietea entrapped the group attempting to enter the abbey with a golden aura and Skargob crushed their leader with a well placed warhammer strike to the privates. The group entered the abbey to find a group of Priests in the service to Stendarr who thanked the party for rescuing them. They then offered the knights a place to stay the knight before they journeyed on.
Report Date
16 Oct 2022
Primary Location
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