Conlec Lothyrna

Lord-Knight of Swans | The Pale Swan

Lord Conlec Lothyrna

At A Glance

Lord-Knight Conlec Lothyrna, one of two Bannerlord of Swans, has a reputation of opposing benchmarks. He is known as a unconventional knight as he was raised by his father during the exile of the Eorl of Swans in the Aenwold. Reared by his father, brigands and Aenari bowmen, Conlec only came to chivalrous recognition after the Treaty of Widowhall. He is known to eschew the lance and has not taken part in a tournament for since the Queen's Tournament of 50 ET.

Unmarried, he has recognized the toddler Calion Lothyrna as his child and heir. The mother is unknown and there is much gossip and rumor regarding her identity with the most favored theory being that of the Lady Teninea Sabel, the wife of the other Swans bannerlord.

His reputation is spotted though his loyalty to Swans is unquestionable. Conlec is believed to be the Eorl's 'problem-solver' and there are dark rumors about the lengths that he will go to in order to effectuate the Blackswan's will.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 24 ET, Conlec Lothyrna was the first-born son of Idwallon Lothyrna and came into the world at the beginning of Swan’s machinations in Aenar. His father served as the old Eorl of Swans bannerlord during these times. When the old Eorl was defeated and sought refuge in the Aenwold, the Lothyrna family followed right alongside of him. At the eight, Conlec began being raised in the Aenwood and under the tutelage of the rebels and brigands that flocked to the Swans Eorl-in-exile. When most Rhonish nobles were serving as pages at this or that court Conlec was learning the ways of the forest, the brigand and the longbow.

By the year 40 ET, at the age of 16, Conlec had already joined in the fighting in service to Swans. He and his father accompanied the old Eorl of Swans in the battles that ensued. Between 41 to 44 ET, Conlec fought prominently in such battles as the Battle of Westwood, the 2nd Battle of Westwood and the 2nd Battle of Swanhold. His accuracy with a longbow was uncanny and many foes fell beneath his shafts and the edge of his blade. Between 42 and 43 ET, Conlec was squired to a Sworn Knight of Swans for formal training as a knight but his battlefield experience was such that he was knighted in two years in 44 ET.

At the time of the Widow's Bargain, in 45 ET, Conlec was close friends with the new Eorl of Swans and accompanied him to the signing of the redemptive document. With the Lothyrna lands restored through the Bargain, Conlec’s father was again recognized as a Bannerlord of Swans and their original lands were expanded through the Eorl’s wishes.

In 46 ET, Conlec served at the Eorl of Swans court and assisted with the rebuilding of the eorldom’s environs and population. He gained some notoriety during this time as ‘troubleshooter’ for Swans but there were few who could attest to anything unseemly actually done by Conlec.

In 47 ET, Conlec met and reportedly feel deeply in love with, Teninea, the daughter of a Sworn Knight of Swans. If there was any concern by his father over the difference in status is unknown and moot. For that same year, Lord-Knight Idwallon Lothyrna passed away of illness and Conlec was recognized as the Lord-Knight Lothyr, Bannerlord of Swans.

In 49 ET, he pursued the Maiden Teninea with some vigor but apparently things did not go as he planned or, as the gossips indicated, it did go according to Tenineas’s plan. In opposition to form, the Lord-Knight hosted a tournament and engaged in it personally. Many suspected that it had something to do with his Guest of Honor, the Maiden Tenineas. Unfortunately, that tournament did not go well for the unconventional knight.

In 50 ET, the Lord Lothyrna’s rumored obsession with the Maid Tenineas had become to attract some attention as did her refusal to succumb to an obviously besotted and wealthy suitor. It is rumored that he underwent some challenge for her affections but it did little to sway her feelings for him. Finally, at the Queen’s Tournament, he sought out her affections for one last time and though he performed better than expected by the odds-men, he failed to make his way into the tiers of great lancers. If it was not for the more controversial events of that tournament his struggles to gain her affections may have garnered more attention and perhaps sympathy. Especially, at the end of the year, when Teninea was announced as the betrothed to Lord-Knight Ruorón Sabel, a fellow Bannerlord of Swans.

Continued rumors swirled around the Lord Lothyrna as, in 52 ET, he publicly acknowledged the infant Calion as his child and heir. The unmarried Bannerlord certainly was aware of the rumors and gossip that followed such an announcement but, even to this day, the mother of the child is unknown. This only plays into the salacious gossip that the Lady Teninea Sabel is the anonymous mother of the child. Such rumors have only fueled the fires of whispered enmity between the two banner families of Swans.


Conlec Lothyrna


Towards Unknown Person

Unknown Person


Towards Conlec Lothyrna

Notable Knight

Year of Birth
24 ET 35 Years old
Unknown Person (spouse)
Aligned Organization


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