Elemental Monarchs

At A Glance

The ELEMENTAL MONARCHS are the embodiments of FIRE, AIR, EARTH and WATER; personifications of primal forces. These four entities are worshiped in the Low Church for their role in which DOMIEL came to Mankind's aid in the hour of need. While once being the foci of various primitive sects and cults, the Monarchs are now primarily worshipped as part of the LOW CHURCH in most civilized lands.


In Rhone

In Rhone, the worship of the Elemental Monarchs is governed by the precepts of the LOW CHURCH; that body of worship and theology dealing also with SAINTS (Chosen). Their worship is generally less involved and incorporates the use of shrines, offerings and oath-taking in hopes of gaining their attention or warding oneself from them. As the embodiment of elemental forces, the MONARCHS are equally appeased as revered.

Shrines can be found near the elements themselves or activities related to it. mines, fields and natural beauty for Earth. For Water, docks and fields are common. Fire has fewer shrines but they are almost as well-attended due to the giving and taking nature of flame. And Air has shrines near docks and in high places. Some of the shrines located in the outskirts are older and more hallowed; hearkening back to a more primitive time. The HIGH CHURCH does not encourage the use of these older shrines as they are focused solely on worship of a specific Monarch. The HIGH CHURCH maintains smaller shrines in primary churches dedicated to the Monarchs and Saints. These areas of worship are often set into naves or alcoves away from the primary worship hall which is focused entirely on DOMIEL. Often, when speaking of a physical place within a church, this collection of shrines is referred to also as the Low Church.

The main exception to this discouragement from the HIGH CHURCH comes from the ORDERS ELEMENTAL as they hold specific dispensations for their focused faith and, ultimately, serve the Church directly when need arises.


The LOW CHURCH is dedicated to their reverence and appeasement. as well as the Orders Elemental. Other than that, there are a number of small sects and faithfuls that focus their worship on the ELEMENTAL MONARCHS as a group and individually. However, these groups are often small and circumspect as the HIGH CHURCH feels that the Monarchs should be considered always secondary to DOMIEL.


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