The Low Church

The LOW CHURCH is a body of worship and theology dealing with the ELEMENTAL MONARCHS, SAINTS (Chosen) and select SERVITORS. Their worship is generally less involved and incorporates the use of shrines, offerings and oath-taking in hopes of gaining their attention or warding oneself from them. There are no ceremonies or masses held except for particular holy days where a standard Mass will incorporate parables and dedications to a particular entity. But, for the most part, the LOW CHURCH is represented by shrines, holy places, old fanes and is maintained by either lesser clergy, non-sworn volunteers, local mystics and small groups.

A notable exception are the shrines and edifices maintained by the Orders Elemental and specific monastic organizations or locations allowed through dispensations provided by the High Church hierarchy.

Even so, the only known direct ceremonial worship is reserved for the Mystery Cults both sanctioned and unsanctioned. The only sanctioned Mystery Cults in the Low Church of Rhone are those of the Orders Elemental and the witchhunter followers of Saint XXXXX.

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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