Eruin Highbrook (Ehr-oo-en)

Free Lord Highbrook | Upper Sword Coast

Eruin Highbrook

The Lord HIGHBROOK, Eruin holds his family lands as a Rhuani Free Lord in the Upper Sword Coast. His family has held the northwestern border of Rhone for generations. He is widely respected amongst most of the nobility of Rhone and is known to be a competent warrior and leader of the same. He is known to be friends with LORD VADRAS BARAELEON and even entrusted his son, Aslan Highbrook, to the Bannerlord as a squire.


53-56 ET | Spring LORD HIGHBROOK is a close companion of both the Eorl of Swords and Vadras Baraeleon. The Companions have encountered him a number of times. Most recently, he has claimed an ongoing issue with strange folk raiding into RHONE lands from the west. These people are not believed to be mountain clansmen but something else altogether.
57 ET | Spring The COMPANIONS are asked by EORL ROVIN to travel to HIGHBROOK. The purpose of this visit is to feel out LORD HIGHBROOK in regards to a marriage between his son, Ser Aslan Highbrook, and the EORL's half-sister, Eorith Brynagar. The Companions were met with hospitality and the LORD HIGHBROOK seemed amenable to the match. During their visit, the Companions toured the countryside and the Gap of Durma. In doing so, they encountered NOTHRIMI refugees pursued by vicious marauders, soon to be known as VULKRI. They drove off the raiders and followed their trail back to the home of the refugees. Its ashes smoldered and the place was littered with the dead.


Eruin Highbrook


Towards Nelone Highbrook

Nelone Highbrook


Towards Eruin Highbrook

Renowned Knight

Free Lord | Highbrook
Standing (Nobles)
Year of Birth
12 ET 47 Years old
Nelone Highbrook (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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