Ilfyn Mannyr

Ilfa Mannyr- Sowrn

As a maiden, ILFYN served as a handmaiden for the wife of the EORL OF SWORDS. It was here that she met and was courted by Kantus Mannyr. SER KANTUS had remained in SWORDS after escorting his brother's estranged wife, the EORL's sister, away from his brother's abuse. Unfortunately, ILFYN's first child was stillborn and she was unable to conceive after that experience. Their hopes for a family were dashed until SER KANTUS learned that his grand-niece was in danger of being placed with KANTUS' sociopathic brother, LORD KALUS MANNYR.

The girl's mother was succumbing to a disease that would inevitably slay her and debilitated her until that time. The young girl, KAISA, would likely be sent to stay with her 'family' which would have been KANTUS' dangerous brother. KAISA was collected by SER KANTUS and brought into their home in SWORDS. There they raised her as their own and found her a home and a family.

After her husband was slain by the CUTH, Ilfyn retired to their small cottage and has remained there since. Her foster daughter, KAISA, visits her often.


Ilfyn Mannyr


Towards Kantus Mannyr


Kantus Mannyr


Towards Ilfyn Mannyr


Ilfyn Mannyr

Adoptive Mother

Towards Kaisa Solaim


Kaisa Solaim

Adopted Daughter

Towards Ilfyn Mannyr


Year of Birth
4 BL 63 Years old
Kantus Mannyr (Husband)

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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