Kirce Organization in The Empty Throne | World Anvil


The KIRCE family have been knights in the service of DAMEVIR for four generations. Since that time, their land has officially expanded only once decades earlier and this has held the family back from what they really feel should be coming their way. While SER AYRAUN KIRCE holds the family lands and manor, his younger brother-SER SEBANDIS-- has turned a misspent youth in a scriptorium into a knight who is aging and extremely pleased that he can still be useful. Given LORD SOERAS' complete disinterest in anything remotely requiring reading, counting and working collaboratively. The Lord leaves almost all of the day-to-day administration to SER SEBANDIS while he practices his 'real skills'.

The KIRCE family is loyal to DAMEVIR and their LORD SOERAS. But so long without bettering their lot has made them very impatient and unsettled. The family was founded in -94 ET through a benefice granted by a landed knight. The KIRCE lineage has served four Title-Lines in their time as lesser nobility but the current generation is confident of the DAMEVIR family and hopeful for an opportunity to earn a reward.

Not Without Light

Founding Date
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Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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