
A Knight-Captain is a knight placed in charge of a ad hoc banner formed of vassals or sworn knights. It differs from a Bannerlord, or Lord-Knight, in that the Knight-Captain does not need to be a lord or have vassal knights. Knight-Captains are often appointed before a campaign or a battle and given responsibility over a group of knights not placed under a Bannerlord or liege-lord.

When a noble with vassal knights heads to war, they delegate the instant command to their Bannerlords and Knight-Captains. Among a noble's vassals there may be any number of Sworn Knights, or household knights, and vassal knights owing allegiance directly to the liege. Whereas a Bannerlord customarily commands their own vassals in battle, a higher-ranking noble delegates the command of the unaffiliated knights to a Knight-Captain.


A Knight-Captain is responsible for the organization, deployment and prowess of the knights placed under their command. They lead the knights into battle and execute the orders of their superior. Knight-Captains are often appointed over the knights in their command for other vassal duties as well. They may lead patrols, engage in peace-keeping or command escorts and protection for valuables and people. The exact role and breadth of the duties delegated to the Knight-Captain vary from liege to liege.
Nobility, Military
Alternative Naming
Warleader, War-Captain,
Related Professions


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