


A knight must be sworn in by an appropriate noble. In Rhone, that is anyone whose lands or title flow from the throne such as Eorls, Free Lords and the like.



The concept of a sworn fellowship of warriors in service to a single cause or lord arose from Rhuon’s Companions who were his friends and comrades-in-arms with deeds as notable as his own throughout the Elder Wars. This tradition saw continuation when Queen Arosaine bestowed the honor on the men and especially the women who remained loyal to her when her father had passed away. At that time, many of Rhuon’s supporters had bled away. Only a core of male warriors and female supporters remained behind and remained loyal to her beyond her own people. These individuals were recognized and bound to her in a similar fashion as a reward for their loyalty. It is noted that this was genesis of the acceptance of woman warriors and knights in later years.

Prince Artath brought back the concept of mounted cavalry from his experiences in the 1st Midlands Campaign and the military counsel of King Naeras. Upon returning from the campaign, he focused on breeding the animals and training his own Companions in using them during combat. This resulted in a spread of the concept amongst other lords and factions although the high price relegated the role of mounted warrior to the wealthy and privileged. This began the entrenchment amongst the nobility of a warrior class based on equipment and horses.

It was King Rhuaman, in 187 ET, who formalized the role into a vassal warrior bound by fealty to a lord. This was triggered by his father's experiences in the 1st and 2nd Midlands Campaigns in addition to his own experiences with the happenings in Aenar. He hoped, by binding warriors to his rule and that of his subordinate nobility, that the chaos of conflict and war could be avoided within Rhone. By drawing heavily from the strictures and traditions of the Companions of the Crown which had been in existence for over a century and predicated on a similar theme he was able to draw up the basic tenets that still bind knights to this day.

Only eight years later, as his introduction and work on the concept beared fruit and evolved, he codified these concepts into the warrior class known as Knights. In doing so, the Knight is defined and based on the concept of armored cavalry that can be far-ranging and yet devastating in combat. Again, due to the high maintainence involved, the nobility raised only the most loyal of their followers to the rank of Knight and it became a formalized and solemn tradition.
Manners of Address
Ser (male/female), Sera (female)
Other Associated professions


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