Maghstone Tower

The MAGHSTONE TOWER is the Seat of the Baraeleon line that serves as Bannerlords to SWORDS. The BARAELEON claim has been in place for nearly a century and a half. The tower-keep sits astride a spur of stone that appears to have ripped through the ground like a blade. The Tower-Keep is warded by towers, an exposed approach, walls and defense-minded planning along with stout hearts and sharp blades.

The Tower and its occupants live on the border of the Lower Sword Coast and the Upper Sword Coast.

Purpose / Function

In present times and past, the reasoning for continued settlement at the peak was for the purpose of border wariness and to keep an eye on the Mountain Clans to the West. Many beasts and elsewise have used the forests to sneak past SWORDS patrols.


The exterior of the fortification shows evidence of the craft of Swordcoasters in its utility and strength. The walls are local stone and thick.


Built on a natural protrusion of mountain-vein stone, known locally as Magda’s Rock, the seat of the BARAELON line is a tower keep that commands the summit of its height by virtue of a sloping incline leading towards the foothills of the sssGiantspine. While the peaks lay over ten miles to the west, the high country begins much closer to the lands of the BARAELON line. A small road starts at the bottom of the mound and winds around the base as it ascends to the gateworks. The incline is mild and even then the road only rings half of the rock protrusion before reaching the summit. It is not a formidable height that assures its protection but the tower-keep on its peak.

The protrusion where the tower-keep sits has been a well-used location for scouting and defense since time immemorial. When the VANTYR rose from the tribal gatherings in pre-dawn times they seized the location for their seat in order to project their dominance over the immediate area.

The walls at its summit consist of palisade and stone.


The MAGHSTONE has been a fixture here since before the peoples of Rhone claimed the surrounding region during the 2nd Sword Coast Campaign. The local ruling family, the Vantyr, had fought against the encroachment of RHONE but were defeated. The majority of the family fled to the MIDLANDS; all except one of the sons, Dugallan Vantyr. He formed an opposition force and harried the Upper Sword Coast for nearly a decade until Queen Moralei and her Ravens finally slew him and destroyed his followers.

In 104 BL, the Eorl of Swords rewarded the fort and the lands surrounding it to one of his followers who was a hero of the Giantswar. This man was the first Baraeleon to hold the lands and they have done so uninterrupted since then.

Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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Articles under Maghstone Tower

Cover image: by Nestor the Horrible


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