Red Messengers

A mercenary knight group that operates in the Midlands. The group's numbers are small but hardened by frequent employment. They are led by Ser Vysis the Red. Their focus and strength is in mounted combatants with full knights taking on command positions over their red-banded serjeantry.


53 ET | Spring The RED MESSENGERS sent eighteen of their blades to fight in the Battle of the Brothers Approach on the side of Rhaemor. Their presence was unexpected as they slipped into the Rhaemorrian camp under the cover of darkness. After the battle, the remaining MESSENGERS were seen heading southwest with other Rhaemorrian combatants.


The RED MESSENGERS are a small but effective group of mercenary knights and serjeant-esquires under the banner of Vysis the Red. They rarely field more than a half-dozen mounted knights but provide two to three times that number in mounted serjeantry. Their penchant for quick attacks has given them a presence known to break the tide of battle in their employer's favor.

Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Notable Members

Cover image: Horsemen 1 by Victor Hugo Harmatiuk


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