Uriel Aldyr

Ser Uriel ne' Aldyr

The 1st born son of Lord Palos Aldyr. He was slain in Rhuvael when the five families of the Presumptuous Lords were driven from the city of the Throne.

SER URIEL was slain in a vicious melee that broke out when the front gates were finally thrown open after besiegers seized the gate tower. In those suffocating confines, between the great doors and looming arch, the darkness of security--more often than not combatants lost track of each other time and again. Each time, they came back into contact, the stabbing and gouging and choking would begin anew.

URIEL's body was found in the passageway-almost unrecognizable due to the damage to his face-amongst the bodies of his friends and vassals piled three deep in red lumps of gore.

4 ET 24 ET 20 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by forces who sought the end of the Presumptuous Lords .
Place of Death

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos


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