
The ALDYR family served Rhone for generations until Lord Saerid Aldyr was recruited into the Presumptuous Lords to take Rhuvael and enrich themselves.


After Rhuvael was taken, a hunt was undertaken by all of the triumphant loyalists who had removed the Presumptuous Lords from power there. This hunt was laid against all of the families, noble houses all, that had joined the Presumptuous Lords. Even in death, the bodies were identified where possible to ensure that their infamy would die with their lines. Other than the fighting men, the bodies of women and children of the Aldyr line were unrecoverable for being buried under seven stone tower floors that had been brought to the ground during a siege bombardment. LORD PALOS had been slain on the walls fighting for their greed-tainted dreams.
  The last member, the sole remaining member of the family, Saerid Aldyr, disappeared.
Dissolution Date
22 ET
Political, Family
Family Leader

Articles under Aldyr

Cover image: by Daniel Cortijos
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