Battle of Gilden Strand

Military action


After several years of tasting each other's borders, the kingdoms of Monraven and Ceamar hovered on the cusp of violence. The final push came when two armed parties from the kingdoms sparked a skirmish near a copse of trees called Gilden Strand. By the next day, every man and woman capable of arming themselves had arrayed against each other. The two sides eyed each other over the field, with Gilden Strand in the middle, for over an hour as the sun rose in the sky.

While its origin remains unknown a single errant arrow was launched from one of the sides and trigged a mutual charge of and by the two mobs of combatants. It is said that King Dyrad of Monraven arrived an hour later with his best warriors and found a butchering that was hard on the eyes. The two forces had ground each other into the grass and soaked the dirt in their blood.

Some stories say that King Dyrad wept at the onset of the coming battles but scholars who have studied him scoff at this uncharacteristic emotion from the ambitious warlord.

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