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The Windlord, The Uplifted

Anor, also known as the Windlord, or the Uplifted is the god of air, the sky, wind, thunder, and flying, he also shares power over storms with his sister Rona.

"Anor, the Uplifted, whose breath stirs the heavens and whose wings span the sky — he is the whisper in the wind, the roar in the storm. From his hands, the thunder rolls, and in his eyes, the lightning dances. He soars above the world, ever-watchful, the keeper of clouds, the master of the endless blue." — From the "Songs of the Firmament," an ancient birdfolk hymn to the Windlord.


Anor is often depicted with blue or blue-green skin, reflecting his connection to the vast open skies. In art and scripture, he is usually shown carrying a massive bag filled with pure elemental air, a potent symbol of his control over the winds. His form can vary, appearing as a towering figure with skin like the sky, a great eagle with a hundred-foot wingspan, or an eagle-headed birdfolk adorned in animal skins. Anor is boisterous and energetic, though temperamental. He is capable of great wrath and deep melancholy as well.



Anor is an active god who interacts frequently with the mortal world. He is particularly revered by the birdfolk of the floating continent of Firmament, where his influence over flight and the winds makes him a patron of their culture and way of life. The giants, too, especially those who dwell in high places or feel a kinship with the winds and skies, hold Anor in high esteem. His activities often revolve around guiding these followers, providing them with favorable winds or protection during fierce storms. His relationship with his twin sister, Rona, is close, and the two are known to collaborate on matters involving both their domains, such as storms that combine wind and water. Anor is the only god known to maintain a friendly relationship with the enigmatic Dyad, often seeking their insight during moments of decision.


Holy Artifacts

Anor is associated with several divine relics that reflect his elemental nature. Chief among these is the Zephyr Bag, a legendary artifact said to contain a limitless supply of elemental air. The bag, woven from the fibers of clouds and decorated with feathers from mythical birds, can be unleashed to create powerful gusts, provide flight, or dispel any airborne threat. Another revered artifact is the Stormcaller’s Circlet, a silver diadem that grants its wearer control over thunder and lightning, imbuing them with the power to channel Anor’s fury. The Wings of the Windlord, an ethereal cloak made of woven air and sky, is believed to allow the bearer to traverse great distances instantly, riding the unseen currents of the wind.


Powers and Abilities

Anor wields dominion over the air, wind, and skies, controlling all atmospheric elements. His powers allow him to manipulate weather patterns, summon great winds, and unleash thunderous storms. He can take to the skies at will, either as a divine figure with blue-green skin or in the form of a great eagle. His command over the air is so absolute that he can remove it from a place entirely, creating vacuums or replenishing it in places where it is scarce. He grants his followers the ability to fly, navigate the skies safely, and harness the wind's strength.

Divine Domains

God of Air, the Sky, Wind, Thunder, and Flying also shares power over storms with his twin sister Rona
Divine Classification
New God
Aligned Organization


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