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Chauntea is the goddess of the Seasons, Agriculture, The Harvest, The Hearth, Cooking, Fertility, and Celebration, she is viewed as the embodiment of all things agrarian. The Earthmother is seen as a parallel to Silvanus, the Forest Father of druidry and wilderness, as she is the deity of agriculture and plant cultivation. Wheras  
The Earthmother is everything, and her health is our health. She feeds us, clothes us, waters us, and shelters us. No god is greater than her, though many are noisier. No god is more forgiving, more nurturing, or more essential. Truly, Chauntea is All. ”
  — The creed of the Church of Chauntea


Chauntea, when in her home realms, manifests with the appearance of a giant beautiful human woman. The Earthmother has long shiny white hair, often gathered in a long braid she wraps around her head. The length of her braid suggested the woman's great age. She has pleasant features and brown skin. She carries herself with strength and femininity. If one were to forget that they observed a deity, they could assume the beautiful woman in front of them was in her middle-age. Rasmus described her appearance as "a rose in full bloom."


Chauntea is usually dressed in an unbleached linen tunic and carries a green seed pouch, slung over one shoulder. She workS her divine realm's fields barefoot, with face stained with dirt, she often has wildflowers and ivy weaved into her long hair. She also wears a girdle embroidered with images of various fruits.


Chauntea is a wise and quiet goddess given to neither pomp nor paegentry. She is both slow to anger and not prone to hasty action, although she can sometimes take this to the point of being ponderous.


This is not to be mistaken for passivity however, for the Earthmother is a vibrant and caring goddess who lovesd the inhabitants of Ora and enjoys nothing more than showing them how her world might enrich their lives. The most recent centuries have seen Chauntea become completely enamored with them, especially humans, to the point she focuses all her attention on helping them live sustainably in their increasingly urban environment.


This relationship is not one-way however, for Chauntea also preaches reverence towards nature. She urges the people of civilized lands to repair that which they damage, calling her followers to perform small acts of devotion. Furthermore, while she would prefer diplomacy to open conflict, to bring blight to the natural world would surely evoke the fury of the Earthmother.


In Urban Environments

In urban environments, Chauntea's presence remains palpable. Her temples are oases of greenery, with carefully tended gardens and verdant courtyards, offering a serene escape from the bustle of city life. The faithful of Chauntea actively participate in urban agriculture initiatives, maintaining rooftop gardens, community farms, and street-side planters.


Within city walls, Greenwardens frequently organize festivals celebrating the changing seasons, with vibrant parades, feasts featuring local produce, and blessings for urban gardens and farms. These events are an opportunity for city dwellers to reconnect with nature and express gratitude to Chauntea for the gifts she provides.


In this way, Chauntea's influence extends beyond the fields and forests, ensuring that even in the heart of bustling cities, the goddess's divine touch is felt, fostering harmony between the urban and the natural world.



Chauntea is the wife of Silvanus and together they are most loved by agrarian communities, farmers, ranchers, hunters, etc. You can also find shrines or statues to either or both gods in urban parks or community gardens throughout Ora. Their relationship is a strong, loving dynamic, though Silvanus may be gone for long periods of time hunting in the woods of his great demiplane of The Beastlands he is always welcomed home in his wife's farm on the demiplane of Arborea.


Chauntea is an active deity, her Principalities frequently visit mortals, offering advice and assistance with all manner of agricultural endeavors. She is also known to give signs to laboring mothers on the auspices of their birthing.


During the Reshaping Year of Moonfall, she was instrumental in relocating and healing affected mortals after The Moonfall calamity.


Powers and Abilities

Chauntea has the unique ability to infuse life into the soil, plants, and creatures. Her touch can make crops flourish, accelerate the growth of trees, and heal wounds. She can revitalize barren lands and awaken dormant seeds, ensuring the land remains fertile. The goddess can bestow her blessing upon individuals or couples, granting them fertility and increasing their chances of conceiving healthy offspring.


Chauntea wields the power to influence the changing of seasons. She can hasten the arrival of spring, bringing forth warmer weather and blooming flowers. Conversely, she can encourage the approach of winter to ensure a period of rest for the land. The goddess has dominion over the natural world. She can shape the landscape, cause the earth to tremble, calm raging storms, or stimulate the growth of an entire forest.


Chauntea possesses the power to communicate with animals, and her touch can mend wounds, cure diseases, and provide nourishment. She can transform water into a life-giving elixir and food into a feast capable of feeding the hungry masses. The goddess can bless crops and agricultural endeavors, ensuring a plentiful yield. She can shield her followers from harm, provide sanctuary in the natural world, and offer solace to those facing adversity. Chauntea also maintains a deep connection to the Feywild. This allows her to tap into the energies of this mystical realm and draw upon its magic to enhance her abilities.



Though Chauntea has a diverse collection of followers, she is fanatically worshiped by many farmers, servants, druids, gardeners, and any others who earns pay from working the land. She is seen as a critical aspect of the cycle of life. Private land owners and destitute farmers visit the clerics of Chauntea for any divine suggestions for aiding the harvest. If at any time plague or drought strike, farmers look to Chauntea, since they hoped she will save the harvest, due to her love of nature.


The church is an approachable one, in that it welcomes all irrespective of gender or race. The liturgical doctrine of the church is such that it attracts more females than males, due to her relationship with motherhood, femininity, and the hearth, and while female attendees outnumber men, there are still a range of males that worship Chauntea.


Chauntea, is revered by a multitude of devoted orders and priesthoods across the diverse realms of Ora. These orders, collectively known as "The Greenwardens," share a deep commitment to the sacred duty of nurturing and safeguarding the natural world. Their dogma and practices reflect their unwavering dedication to Chauntea's benevolent influence.

Divine Domains

The Seasons, Agriculture, The Harvest, The Hearth, Cooking, Fertility, Family, and Celebration


Chauntea's faithful also possess sacred artifacts, some of which are rumored to have been blessed directly by the goddess herself. These artifacts include the Chalice of Eternal Spring, a vessel that never runs dry of pure, life-giving water, and the Verdant Scythe, a legendary farming tool said to ensure bountiful harvests even in the harshest of conditions.

There are many lesser enchantments associated with Chauntea as well, many of which are related to cooking or farming. Things like, Stirring Spoons, Magical Seasoning Pouches, or Satchels that preserve foods.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbols of Chauntea's clergy are representations of the goddess's nurturing presence. The most common symbol is a sheaf of golden wheat, symbolizing the harvest's abundance and the nourishment it provides. Other symbols include a blossoming flower, a fruitful tree, or a simple farmer's hoe, all of which connect the faithful to Chauntea's domains.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Respect for Life: Greenwardens uphold the sanctity of all living things. They are sworn to protect and nurture the flora and fauna that sustain the world, viewing every creature as an essential part of the intricate tapestry of life.

  2. Harmony with the Land: Chauntea's followers practice responsible stewardship, tending to the land with care and ensuring that agricultural practices are sustainable and environmentally conscious. Crop rotation, preservation of ancient forests, and the nurturing of endangered species are all integral to their way of life.

  3. Bounty Sharing: The Greenwardens believe that the fruits of the earth should be shared with all, especially those in need. They actively engage in food and resource distribution to ensure that no one suffers from hunger or scarcity.

  4. Rural and Urban Integration: While often associated with rural communities, Chauntea's faith is not exclusive to the countryside. In urban centers, her temples and followers work tirelessly to maintain urban green spaces and promote agricultural practices within city walls.

Divine Classification
New God


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