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Holy Living Kingdom of Gneab

The Holy Living Kingdom of Gneab, often simply referred to as Gneab, is a unique and enigmatic nation located in the southeastern region of Acheron. Gneab is home to a relatively small population of approximately 192,000 inhabitants, it is primarily inhabited by humans and is known for its distinctive approach to necromancy, governance, and societal structures.


The Holy Living Kingdom of Gneab is dominated primarily by worshippers of Morrighan and is ruled by powerful Lich Kings that practice what they call "Ethical Necromancy".


Geography and Politics

Gneab shares its borders with neighboring regions that significantly influence its way of life. To the west, it is flanked by the imposing Leliurium Empire, a powerful nation with its own intricate politics and arcane traditions. Gneab and Leliuria are not openly antagonistic to each other, but have clashed many times historically. The Gneabians believe that Leliuria's practice of creating and utilizing automata is blasphemous and Leliurian's believe Gneabians to be macabre and barbaric in their use of necromancy.


To the south and east, the kingdom is bounded by the seemingly endless expanse of the Centralis Ocean, which both connects and isolates Gneab from the rest of Acheron. To the north, it maintains a complex relationship with the Human Republic of Lainedain, a neighboring country with a more conventional approach to governance and magical practices. The Edain view Gneab as a great ally in holding back the encroachment of Leliuria and Gneab is reliant on Lainedain's imports and shipping infrastructure. However, as with the Leliurians, the Edain do not approve of the Gneabian use of necromancy, and have a trade agreement with Gneab that states no Gneabian undead may be allowed to cross the border into Lainedain.


Ethical Necromancy

At the heart of Gneab's peculiar identity lies the mastery of "ethical" necromancy. Within its borders, powerful necromancers known as Lich Kings wield their arcane skills with precision and care. They have transformed the practice of necromancy, typically associated with the macabre, into a force for the common good. In Gneab, necromancy is seen as a means to serve the living, rather than as a dark art preying on the dead.


Central to Gneabian society is its utilization of a skeletal workforce. These skeletons, however, are not the haunting abominations of typical necromantic tales. Instead, they are encased in Adamantine, a rare and durable metal, and serve as diligent laborers and guardians. Through a process mastered by the Lich Kings, these undead workers help with various tasks, from agriculture to construction, contributing to the prosperity of the kingdom.


The Cycle of Bone

In Gneab, a unique law and tradition require its citizens to make a peculiar donation upon their death. The people of Gneab are expected to offer their bones to the kingdom, a practice deeply ingrained in their culture. These bones are carefully collected and integrated into the creation of the skeletal workforce, perpetuating the cycle of life and death in an unconventional way. This tradition reinforces the kingdom's commitment to maintaining the delicate balance between life and death.

Demography and Population

Gneab is home to a relatively small population of 192,592 individuals. This population size has been carefully managed by the kingdom's rulers, the Lich Kings, to ensure that the delicate balance between the living and the undead can be maintained effectively. While Gneab is not densely populated, its citizens are diverse in their origins, with a primary focus on humanity.


The majority of both living and undead citizens are human, with a shared commitment to the principles of ethical necromancy. While other races are not uncommon in Gneab, they constitute a smaller minority within the population. However, there are significant minorities of tieflings, shadar-kai, dragonborn, and orcs enjoying full citizenship in Gneab.


Undead Citizens

Undead citizens of Gneab are the product of ethical necromancy, raised with consent and respect. These individuals, although no longer living in the traditional sense, continue to be productive members of society, contributing to the nation's workforce and culture. Many of them are liches, ghosts, or wraiths, who have chosen to serve as leaders, scholars, and advisors in the kingdom.


These citizens are distinct from the skeletal workforce known as the Necroworkers, and the undead army, the Bone Legions. They are often called the Ensouled, arising from the primary difference between an undead citizen and a skeletal worker or soldier, they still possess a soul.


The Gneabian military, known as the Bone Legions, is a unique and formidable force in the world of Ora. Comprising legions of undead skeletons, these forces are a testament to the country's mastery of ethical necromancy and their commitment to both defense and sustainability. The Bone Legions are unlike any conventional army, as they are animated from the remains of the dead and are encased in adamantine, making them virtually indestructible.


The Bone Legions consist primarily of skeletal soldiers, encased in adamantine armor, who are bound to the will of the Lich Kings that rule Gneab. These soldiers are highly disciplined and exceptionally loyal to their necromantic overlords. The highest-ranking officers in the Bone Legions are the Lich Kings themselves, who command their forces with supreme intelligence and strategic acumen. Below them are the Deathwardens, skilled necromancers and strategists who oversee the legions on the battlefield.


The skeletal soldiers of the Bone Legions undergo rigorous training in combat and military tactics. They are disciplined and unwavering in the face of danger, making them a formidable fighting force. Each soldier is equipped with adamantine armor, making them incredibly resilient. They often wield weapons of exceptional craftsmanship, including swords, spears, and bows. The Bone Legions are known for their disciplined formations and unyielding advance. They are not susceptible to fear, fatigue, or pain, making them a relentless and unwavering force on the battlefield.


One unique aspect of the Bone Legions is their ability to replenish their ranks. Gneabian citizens are required by law and tradition to donate their bones upon death. These bones are then used to create new soldiers, ensuring a constant source of reinforcements.


The Bone Legions serve as both a defensive force for Gneab and a symbol of the country's strength. They are used to protect the borders of the Holy Living Kingdom and maintain order within its territories. The presence of the Bone Legions is a common sight in urban areas. They are often used for public events and processions, serving as a reminder of the country's unique necromantic traditions and its dedication to ethical necromancy.

Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Economic System
Palace economy
Legislative Body

The legislative body of Gneab is known as the Council of Souls. Comprising both living and undead representatives, this council is responsible for passing laws, making decisions, and ensuring that the interests of both the living citizens and the undead remain protected. The council meets regularly to address issues related to governance, the regulation of necromantic practices, and the overall well-being of the kingdom. It is unique in its composition, as it includes both mortal officials and those who have transcended mortality through necromantic means.

Judicial Body

The judicial branch of Gneab is presided over by the Court of Eternity. This court is responsible for upholding the laws of the land, settling disputes, and administering justice. The Court of Eternity is renowned for its impartiality, as its judges are typically liches who have gained vast knowledge and experience throughout their centuries-long existence. These judges ensure that the legal system of Gneab maintains a delicate balance between the rights of the living and the undead.

Executive Body

The executive authority in Gneab is vested in the five Lich Kings, powerful necromancers who have achieved immortality through the dark arts. They are responsible for implementing the laws and decrees passed by the Council of Souls, as well as ensuring the continued well-being of the kingdom. Lich Kings possess tremendous knowledge and magical prowess, allowing them to guide the nation effectively. While some may view them with trepidation due to their undead status, they are regarded as wise and dedicated rulers by the citizens of Gneab.

Neighboring Nations


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