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The Morrighan holds sway over life and death from their castle, the Spire of Rebirth. They are often serious, sometimes dour, but not usually cruel or capricious. They are a neutral deity, and represent the fact of creation or destruction, without emotion. Primus has been known to hear the whispers of The Veiled One, and take their council to heart.




The Morrighan is an enigmatic and gender-neutral deity, and holds a unique position among the pantheon of the New Gods of Empyrean. They are the embodiment of the fundamental forces of Life, Death, Creation, and Destruction. Adorned in a long white veil that obscures their form, the only visible attributes are their feet and hands—one charcoal black and the other chalky white. This mysterious figure personifies the impartiality of creation and annihilation, devoid of emotion and caprice.




From the enigmatic Spire of Rebirth, the divine castle of The Morrighan, they oversee the ever-flowing cycle of life and death. This fortress defies conventional spatial constraints, existing simultaneously within the shadowy realm of The Shadowfell and their enigmatic home demiplane known as Fugue. The precise location of Fugue remains shrouded in secrecy, a mystery even to their divine counterparts. The Morrighan, known for their solemn disposition, takes their role as the arbiter of existence with utmost seriousness. While not inclined towards cruelty or capriciousness, their neutrality underscores their representation of the inexorable truths of creation and destruction.




Legend describes an ancient tome scribed with intricate, ever-shifting symbols, known as the Book of Dooms. It is a repository of knowledge about the balance of life and death. It is believed to hold the records of every soul's journey and the circumstances of their existence. Devotees of the Morrighan have sought this divine relic in search of wisdom in understanding the enigmatic design of The Morrighan, and to grab hold of their own destiny.


Central to many services of devotion is a golden chalice called the Chalice of Rebirth. This chalice is said to contain the essence of renewal and rejuvenation, symbolizing The Morrighan's role as the arbiter of creation. It is often used in sacred rituals, where followers partake in a symbolic act of rebirth by drinking from it. The chalice is said to grant those who partake a sense of renewal and clarity.


Powers and Abilities


As the deity of Life, Death, Creation, and Destruction, The Morrighan wields the unparalleled power to shape the very fabric of reality. They can influence the cycle of existence, bestowing life or orchestrating death with impartiality. This deity's abilities extend to the manipulation of divine forces that govern the ebb and flow of creation, ensuring that all things follow the natural course ordained by The Morrighan.




Devotion to The Morrighan centers on acknowledging the inevitability of life and death. Followers of this inscrutable deity recognize the necessity of both creation and destruction in the grand tapestry of existence. Ceremonies and rituals dedicated to The Morrighan often involve contemplation of the cycle of life, emphasizing the deity's impartiality in these matters. It is customary for worshippers to wear veils, symbolizing The Morrighan's own enigmatic shroud, during these rituals.


Temples to the Morrighan hold funerary services and handle embalming and burials. They also offer midwife services and hold seances, and rehabilitation clinics. Many Shadar-kai worship the Morrighan as their primary deity, and the Church of Twilight is the official religion of the Twilit Diarchy.


The deity's influence can be felt in various aspects of mortal life, particularly in times of transition, such as births, deaths, and significant life events. Temples dedicated to The Morrighan serve as places of reflection and solace for those seeking to understand the profound forces that shape the world.

Divine Domains

Life, Death, Creation, Destruction

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A gold crown against a black starburst

Divine Classification
New God


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