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Primus, also known as The One and the Prime, is the supreme being of law and order, the God of Time, Order, Technology, Civilization, Craft, The Forge, Trade, and Travel. Primus is often viewed as the defacto leader of the New Gods of Empyrean.



Primus appears as a large being usually in the form of an androgynous gold-skinned humanoid with a face of emotionless expression. While in Mechanus, its body remains half-submerged in an energy pool within the center of the Great Modron Cathedral. Primus' form is connected to the expansive interface network known as the Infinity Web. Primus' hands always remain unseen. Its right hand is obscured by vibrant, rainbow hued radiance, and the left is shrouded in black clouds.


Modrons are beings of absolute law that adhere to a hive-like hierarchy. They inhabit the demiplane of Mechanus within The Overworld and tend its eternally revolving gears, their existence a clockwork routine of perfect order.



The One and Prime established the rules and laws that govern the Empyrean Universe. During the Reshaping Year of Order, it adjusted and reset the orbits of all of the celestial objects in the Selestean Star System. Then Primus put the knowledge of The Primean Calendar into the minds of every thinking creature on Ora at once, cementing its use worldwide.

Within Mechanus through its supervision of the Modrons, Primus maintains near-perfect order within the entire demiplane. Primus can issue to each modron telepathic commands and perceive the plane through their eyes, by means of the Infinity Web. Primus is often subtle in its maneuvering, arranging for events that would cause creatures to take actions that are deemed most suitable.



Primus has access to the Grand Orrery, an elaborate and complex device that calculates the changes between the heavenly bodies of space, the numerous Planes of Existence, and the infinite powers of the cosmos.


Powers and Abilities

Primus controls time in its entirety. The One and the Prime can place creatures into stasis merely by looking at them. It can restore or age a creature up to one hundred years by touching them. If a creature had managed to travel through time, Primus could restore them to their proper place in the timeline. Primus can also slow any hostile creature within forty yards of it. Magic cast upon it that interferes with time has no effect.

Divine Domains

Order, Time, Technology, Civilization, Craft, The Forge, Trade, Law,

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification
New God
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Current Residence
Great Modron Cathedral
Aligned Organization


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