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The Demiplane of Air

Air is one of the four foundational elements that make up the known universe. The Demiplane of Air is a realm of boundless skies, weightless currents, and endless horizons in the rich tapestry of the. This ephemeral realm, often associated with The Roiling Conflux, is home to creatures of air and wind, and its landscape is defined by the intangible forces that shape it.

Environment and Characteristics:

The Demiplane of Air is a realm of infinite expanse, where gravity is but a fleeting notion and solid ground is an alien concept. Everywhere you look, vibrant skies stretch on, sometimes clear and cerulean, at other times painted with wispy clouds and vibrant bursts of color. Winds, gentle breezes, or roaring tempests drift through the landscape, carrying with them the potential for change and renewal. Structures, if they can be called that, float in the air, anchored by nothing more than the magical currents that shape this demiplane.


The Demiplane is filled completely with air but ther are various impurities present that tend to form pockets or bubbles in the otherwise pure atmosphere. Gaseous bubbles including clouds of every type, fog, steam, mist, smoke, poisonous clouds and acidic vapors; also the rare intrusion of elemental fire which is flame without fuel. Liquid impurities are usually water or water-based and tend to form floating spheres when not buffeted or frozen by the winds. Solid matter can be found here, from dust, ash, salt, or sand, to chunks of earth approaching the size of a large asteroid. The larger chunks are often brought into the plane by intelligent beings and are very likely to be inhabited or formerly inhabited.


The very substance of the plane seems to radiate the magnificent sapphire hue of a clear summer day in the Substantial. Visibility is twice what the best conditions on Ora could allow, unless of course something obscured vision. Weather is the primary natural hazard in this plane. The winds are normally light to moderately strong throughout the plane but can intensify into tornadoes, maelstroms, and hurricanes with powerful lightning. These extreme weather events are common, and when other elements get caught up in the storm it can produce pounding rain, blinding snow, pelting hail, freezing sleet, and storms of choking smoke, biting sand, burning ash, scalding steam, or searing fire. The worst of these is the maelstrom, a toroid-shaped tornado that can last for decades. Being caught in one is like being in a violent dust storm and death is only a matter of minutes away unless the victim is able to achieve great speed (escape velocity), perform an act of great strength or receive outside assistance. Spellcasting is impossible within a maelstrom.


Creatures of the Demiplane:

Creatures that call the Demiplane of Air home are often adapted to its unique environment. Air elementals, beings of living wind, are the most iconic inhabitants, embodying the essence of this demiplane. Djinn, powerful genies of the air, are known to traverse these skies, their immense power echoing the raw might of the storms. Winged creatures of all sizes, from graceful aarakocra to majestic dragons, traverse the skies, each species adapted to its own unique way of life.

Notable Locations:

1. Whispering Gale Archipelago: A collection of floating islands that seem to sing with a haunting melody as the winds brush past them. The archipelago is home to mysterious ruins, whispered to hold secrets of air magic and forgotten lore.


2. Zephyr's Haven: A tranquil oasis amidst the ever-shifting currents, Zephyr's Haven is a serene gathering place for creatures that seek solace from the tempestuous winds. Here, travelers can find respite and commune with the calming energies of the demiplane.


3. The Tempest Citadel: An imposing fortress carved from solidified storm clouds, the Tempest Citadel is the domain of powerful Cloud Giants and serves as a hub of intrigue and diplomacy among the elemental beings of the Demiplane of Air.


4. The Crashing Castle: The Crashing Castle is the center of all major djinni activity within the Demiplane of Air. This so-called castle is actually a gigantic chunk of elemental ice and earth, smoothed over time by the winds into a nearly perfect oval. The Great Caliph's palace is located in the center. The entire citadel is constantly free-falling, based on the caliph's will. Thus, the only kind of movement possible within is flight.


Cultural Significance:

The Demiplane of Air has profound cultural significance, especially for those who revere freedom, change, and adaptability. Nomadic aarakocra tribes make their homes on the windswept islands, embodying the demiplane's ever-shifting nature. Elemental monks and wizards often seek out the Demiplane of Air to train and learn from the currents themselves.

In the grand tapestry of the universe, the Demiplane of Air stands is a realm of boundless exploration, where the very fabric of reality dances to the rhythm of the wind. Its beauty, its challenges, and its mysteries continue to inspire adventurers and dreamers, weaving their tales into the eternal gusts that sweep across the emdless skies.

Dimensional plane
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