Brawall Court

The winter court on the materal plane, they are ruled by the Loraven Family Tree.   Royal Family:
King- King Zephyr
Queen- Queen Morgana
Heir- Bridget   Inner Council:
Chamberlain/Court Wizard- Sulre
Master of Coin- Needo
Master of Whisperers- Anvuthi f
Master of Laws- Zolrero m
Master of Ships- Nodenmel m
Lord Commander- Nubo m
Mistress of Health- Lurne f


Chamberlain/Court Wizard- (Alternative Titles: Steward, Vizier) The chamberlain combines the roles of chief advisor, confidant, and indispensable personal assistant to the ruler. Since the chamberlain typically advises in private, they have unparalleled access. Expected to speak truth to power, a chamberlain with less-honourable intentions can cause considerable trouble. Leader of the inner council.
Master of Coin- The master of coin is the chief financial adviser of the King. On the inner council.
Master of Whisperers- The realm's chief intelligence advisor and spymaster, supervising covert activities and information gathering, both at home and abroad. On the inner council.
Master of Laws- The realm's chief legal advisor, who also manages the castle's dungeons, and supervises law enforcement. On the inner council.
Master of Ships- The realm's chief naval officer, supervising the Royal Fleet and coordinating the realm's maritime defences. On the inner council.
Lord Commander- Lord Commander is the title held by the most senior sworn brother of the Kingsguard and Queensguard. On the inner council.
Court Healers- A group of healers from different religions that protect and serve the Royal Family and the court. Leader is the Mistress of Health who is on the inner council.   Cup-bearer/Food Taster- A cupbearer is a servant who fills wine cups and serves wine to a lord or lady. He must guard against poison in the royal families cups and is sometimes required to swallow some of the drink before serving it.
Master of the Games- A master of the games is the official who enrols participants and selects pairings for jousting matches at tourneys.
Lady-in-waiting/Handmaid- A handmaid, companion, lady companion, or lady-in-waiting, is a female personal assistant attending on a royal woman or a high-ranking noblewoman.
Maid of Honour- Maids of Honour are the junior attendants of a queen in royal households. The position was and is junior to the lady-in-waiting. Traditionally, a queen regnant had eight maids of honour, while a queen consort had four. A maid of honour was a maiden, meaning that she had never been married, and was usually young and a member of the nobility. Maids of honour were commonly in their sixteenth year or older.
Knights- The Kingsguard are the royal bodyguards of the throne. The Queensguard is another term for the Kingsguard, titled such when they serve as royal bodyguards for a Queen Regnant rather than a king.
Court fool- The court fool was the royal jester
Kennelmaster- Kennelmaster is a position in a castle household, usually occupied by a lowborn man. The kennelmaster is charged with the training and care of a castle's hunting hounds.
Master-at-arms- Master-at-arms is a position charged with training garrisons, as well as noble children, in fighting skills.
Squires- After several years of serving as a page, a boy can become a squire. Boys are not required to serve as a page before becoming a squire, so the age of squiring can range widely.
Stableboy- Someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses.
Guards- Other people that have trained.
Lords and Lady's- They rule over certain parts of the Royal Families territory to spread there ideal's and govern over the people.

Public Agenda

To protect the land and keep the people in order


They have an army on stand by should the need it


Other religions are aloud, Kihulla is just the main one


There are two small schools that teach children, and there is one big collage that teaches the young adults

The cold keeps us grounded


  • Brawall
    The winter continent ruled by the unseelie winter fae
  • Rayfelone
    The capital of Brawall
Founding Date
22nd of Edosius, 7 AF
Court, Royal
Alternative Names
The Materal Planes Winter Court
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Economic System
Favours are the main form of currency, with the money doing everything else
Major Exports
Rocks, coal, gold, iron, basically anything that can be taken from a mountain
Legislative Body
Master of Laws
Judicial Body
The King or Queen
Executive Body
Lord Commander
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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