
Princess Bridget Lavender Loraven (a.k.a. Brig, The Archer, Magical Archer, Princess of Archery, Kihulla's Chosen)

The fae princess who has great aim with a bow and creates magic elemental arrows and heroin of this story.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's healthy and fast

Body Features

She has a few tattoos on her body:
A turquoise fox curled up on the lower part of her back
An arrow head on her arm near her wrist
A heart with her fathers birthday in

Facial Features

Her eyes are silted and she has a lavender tattoo on her the left side of the face

Identifying Characteristics

Her tattoos and her hair changing colour

Physical quirks

Her hair changes from blue, light blue, green and orange depending on her mood and what element she is in tune with at the moment

Special abilities

She can create magic elemental arrows to use, as well as summoning the living bow.

Apparel & Accessories

She does have a hunting outfit that she wears sometimes, but most of the time she usually wears dresses with a split down either one or both sides so she can fight in them. Flat black boots and fingerless gloves, paired with a sliver and turquoise neckless that she never takes off. Usually clad in her purple cloak to keep warm, or at least to keep up the illusion that she gets cold.
Neckless by WolfofWinter

Specialized Equipment

She has a bow made out of living wood that appears, along with arrows when she needs them. There is also a knife hidden in her boot.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, she/her




She was taught by the best tutors and trainers

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was the first junior archer of her content

Failures & Embarrassments

She watched her father die and couldn't save him

Mental Trauma

Watching her father die right in front of her

Personality Characteristics


To avenge her father, protect her home and people; to keep her friends save

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: nature, archery, animals, reading, helping people
Dislikes: being treated differently because of her title, bullies, being pushed around, being treated as delicate or fragile because she's female

Virtues & Personality perks

She is strong willed, caring, loyal, respectful to those who deserve it

Vices & Personality flaws


Personality Quirks

She twirls the end of her hair with her fingers when she is nervous or hiding something. She also tilts her head to the side and fiddles with whatever is in reach when she is concentrating or confused.


Contacts & Relations

Brawall Court
Best friends:
Some 'criminal' contacts in the underworld

Family Ties

Mother- Queen Morgana
Father- King Zephyr Deceased
Past relative- The Golden Archer

Religious Views

She knows that there are deities out there and follows Kihulla but sometimes wonders why they don't act themselves and let people die before there time.

Social Aptitude

She has a lot of confidence and charisma because of being a princess, she is used to the parties and social gatherings, but she gets drained easily.


She speaks with her hands as she talks

Hobbies & Pets

She made friends with a robin that she saved, she knows its the same one that keeps coming back, she also confused how its not dead and thinks it might not be a bird but something else. She doesn't get rid of it though, she likes the compony even though she knows it could be danger in disguise.   Pets: Horse (Storm), Griffon (Ares), Robin (Mystery)
Hobbies: reading, archery, horse riding, drinking   Ares
Ares Hero Forge by Me
Storm Hero Forge by Me
Mystery Hero Forge by Me

Wealth & Financial state

Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess, Lady, The Archer
Date of Birth
29th of Hixirs, 364 AF
Year of Birth
364 AF 51 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born with all four elements around
Current Residence
The family castle in Rayfelone
Purple, large, split pupil
Long, blue, straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lilac, smooth, tattoos
120 lbs
Kihulla, Goddess of the Rain and the Hunt
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Infernal, Sylvan
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Bridget Hero Forge by Me
Character Portrait image: Bridget by WolfofWinter


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