War of Roses

Military: Battle


The fae fighting the mortals for control of the materal plane

In the few years of near peace the mortals had, whilst they were rebuilding, they destroyed a lot of the natural world. The nature deities did not like this, there creations were destroying the beautiful place they had build for them. They didn't want to destroy them for this but they wanted to fix the balance again, so they sent Hilo and Dava to find help on another plane.    Now, this next bit is unclear. No one knows if they created the fae or just found them in the Feywild, I guess it depends on who is telling the story. Either way the fae came through the portals and didn't take no as an answer. Of course they won, the mortals had never fought or even met a fae (that they could remember) until then. So that's how the fae courts came into power!

Related Location
The Enchanting Lands
Related timelines & articles
History of The Enchanting Lands (article)