The Enchanting Lands


  • The Enchanting Lands
    The world map

The Beginning

... 100000 BF

In the beginning, there was only darkness. Then Rhaldir, Zadaris, Aulla and Lemrus started to create life.

  • -100000 TB

    1 Stegeht
    -99999 TB

    60 Ruoz

    The Creation of Elemental
    Life, Birth

    The First Deities created the elementals

The Age of Elementals

99999 BF 10000 BF

The First Deities created the elements but didn't realise how wild they would be.

  • -10000 AOE

    1 Stegeht
    -9999 AOE

    60 Ruoz

    The Elementals Planes Created
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Elementals were locked away to there own planes.

The Age of Chaos

999 BF 1 BF

The First Deities created the second lot of deities and retired to the elemental planes, leaving there children in charge which created chaos as they learnt to be.

The Age of Mortals

0 BF 6 AF

After the battles, there was a lot to rebuild, but it also left them weak to other planes influences.


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