The Fall of the Angels

Celestial / Cosmic


Lucifer and other angels fell after going against the prime deities.

Lucifer was the favourite son of Chaohr, but like always the favourite also had more of a will of his own. He thought that other creatures should be made to listen, that the violence was only because of there free will. But Chaohr said that was how they were made, there was no going back and it was mildly entertaining for some of the deities. Lucifer didn't like this answer so he gathered some other angels who believed in the course, or just in him and they went to stop the wars that were happening. Of course Xaotl did not like this and told her brother to stop his children before she took her axe to them, so Chaohr went to the materal plane and stopped Lucifer. He sent him to his own pocket plane that the mortals called Hell and so Lucifer created the fiends, to show his father and the other deities that because of free will, people could be corrupted.

Related Location
The Enchanting Lands
Related timelines & articles
History of The Enchanting Lands (article)