The Battle for the Materal Plane

Military: Battle


The battle where a lot of creatures lost there lives

The war started when Lucifer let go of his leash on his creations, he got bored of being seen as the bad guy. The fiends were now free to do as they pleased, and they decided that they didn't like each other very much. So they split into to sides, demons and devils being the main two with other fiends not taking sides. The Blood War was started, and split onto the materal plane effecting everyone. This finally court the prime deities attention, they sent armies of angles to combat the fiends. Unfortunately this only coursed more pain and suffering for the civilians court in the cross fire. The deities thought that they were doing what was right, a few dead to save the plane, but some mortal heroes did not agree. They told the gods that they needed help to fight the fiends but not if it meant loosing lives of the innocent. The deities listened and brought there armies back, instead they granted magic to those they deemed worthy to help there plane they loved so much. And so magic of all kinds was born, for better or for worse.   Many a battle took place before the tied of fiends was pushed back to there realms. The mortals had won, but at what cost? The prime deities decided that they wouldn't directly get involved in the affairs of the people again but would continue to watch over them and help in other ways instead. The fiends would continue to slip into this world but had some level of control and the heroes to get rid of them should they become to much of an issue again.

Related Location
The Enchanting Lands
Related timelines & articles
History of The Enchanting Lands (article)