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History of Enther

  • 10000 BBA

    The Ancient World (The Old Age)
    Era beginning/end

    Pre 700 BBA, The ancient humans and fairfolk exist in Aigea, seemingly peacefully co existing. Practice in worshipping the slumbering Giants where life seemed to be pouring from the land of Enther. They were worshipped and many spoke of the utopia that would be brought when these Gods woke. Men and the fairfolk each rule part of Enther, with the Faye kingdom to the north and the human Kingdom to the south. Known now as The Old Age, many legends and stories are told of these times, of heroes and monsters. Magic was more powerful than it was now.

  • 700 BBA

    Awakening of the Entherians (The Age of Dread)
    Era beginning/end

    The Entherians begin to awaken and quickly enslave the other species of Aigea, ruling over both mankind and the fairfolk for centuries. During the enslavement a species of fairfolk, the Gnomes, are annihilated during the resistance and another species fled Enther into the depths of the Nethermore Mountains. Over the centuries knowledge of the old Kingdoms was lost, their histories destroyed and their people enslaved. Ruins of the Old Kingdoms remain. Some humans become loyal to their slavers and through breeding with the Entherians a new race is born, the Entherites.

  • 250 BBA

    The Prophecy of
    Religious event

    A mage and seer, Asha-Asho, begins to prophesies that a great hero will bring together a powerful group of people and lead both humans and fairfolk to a utopia.

  • 21 BBA

    The Long Day
    Life, Birth

    Matheus is born on what is known as the Long Day. They say the sun shone for a full day and night on the day the hero was born. Over the next 18 years, Matheus would begin to unite the people of Enther in secret to create an army to lie in wait till the time was right to strike.

  • 5 BBA

    Formation of the alliance

    Matheus meets with the Fairy King, Balor, and they agree to a pact between the humans and the fairfolk to liberate themselves from the enslavement of The Enther King.

  • 3 BBA

    The Creation of the five Weapons
    Technological achievement

    The Six heroes set out on a mission to find a way to defeat the The Enther King . On their travels they discover the grave of an unawaken Entherian and create the five weapons of Enther.

  • 2 BBA

    The War of Enther.
    Military action

    The War of Enther begins. Humans and Fairfolk begin to up rise against the Entherians and the Entherites. War spreads across Aigea with battles taking part on all the continents. The Entherites (devoute followers of the The Enther King fall first with only the Ancient Entherians left to fight.

  • 0 BBA

    The Final Battle
    Life, Death

    Matheus and the Entherian King meet in combat a top Mount Enther. Matheus slays the Enther King with the magical sword of Enther and with it the remaining Entherians fall and are executed promptly. Matheus and Andrea are crowned King and Queen of Enther, and the others given land to rule over. Old cities and settlements are rebuilt and renamed, with the capital city being chose as Montheus and the ruins of an old castle from the time before built upon. All those known to have the blood of the Entherian’s are hunted and executed.   Worship of the Ancient Entherians is outlawed and their devoute followers are also hunted.

  • 0 BBA

    100 ABA

    The First Age of Men
    Era beginning/end

    The First Age, revolves around the rule of the King Matheus, Hero of Enther and his offspring.   The Kings of this age were responsible for pioneering and leading the rebuilding of the kingdom from the ashes of the millennia of enslavement. This would prove to be a dark time, where war, poverty and unrest hindered the development of this new society in the new kingdom.

  • 2 ABA

    9 ABA

    Building of Montheus Castle
    Construction beginning/end

    Great ruins of the The Old Kingdoms in the south are used as the bones to build upon to build Monthus Castle, with the city building around it. The castle takes 8 years to be completed.

  • 2 ABA

    Rebuilding of Enther
    Cultural event

    2 ABM – Rosier builds the first Arcane College on the Stone Isle and begins to train mages in the arcane arts as the first Grand Enchanter.   During this time Sabine also begins to create a group called the Consortium of Truth, a group of like-minded individuals who wish to seek the true knowledge of Aigea.   Sabine is also elected the first Prime Minister of Enther and became the primary advisor to the King.   The Fairfolk rebuild the ruins to the north and name their Kingdom Aillil.

  • 13 ABA

    14 ABA

    The War of Iron

    With the Ancient Entherians gone, tensions between the human kingdom and the fairfolk grew. Eventually, King Balor of the fairfolk declares war on the human kingdom for liberation. This war is waged for a year until the Orcs betray the other fairfolk and join the human's in their battle. This alliance gives the humans the advantage, despite the dragon of Balor being a formidable opponent. The dragon is slain by a new hero, and Balor is executed. The Fairy Queen submits to King Matheus and a treaty called "The Wooden Sword Agreement" is signed. This gives fairfolk their own separate domains, to keep them divided, but are able to self govern within their domains.

  • 23 ABA

    The Betrayal of Rosier
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Rosier is discovered to have been in a relationship with Matheus’s son, Prince Julius. Rosier is arrested, but as a hero of Enther he is spared death and banished from Enther, never to be seen again.    The College is transformed into the Shard, a prison for the containment of dangerous witches and warlocks. Julius is deemed insane and sent to the Shard to live out his life. Prince Alexander is declared the true heir to the throne.    Mages become suspect and are monitored strictly and guilds are erected in cities where all witches and warlocks must register to be taught under the guidance and authority of the crown.

  • 33 ABA

    The Exaltation of Heroes
    Life, Supernatural

    The remaining four heroes disappear from Enther. Prince Alexander and the The Consortium of Truth speak of the four heroes travelling to the tallest mountain in the Nethermore mountains and ascending to heaven where they wait for all those who are deserving. There they rule the utopia prophesised. Prince Alexander is coroneted as the new King of Enther with his Queen, Livia. The weapons of Enther are inherited by the offspring of each hero, except the Rosier’s staff which was lost when he was exiled and Sabine’s stone which was gifted to the Consortium. The Church of the Five is established, celebrating and worshipping the life and teachings of the Heroes of Enther and immortalising them as gods.

  • 69 ABA

    72 ABA

    The Craven King's Follie
    Military: War

    The Craven King's Follie is the name given to the loss of control by King Cato Matheuson. Cato's lack of action during his reign and his placid personality lead to the Great Lords of Norshire and Rosinhill declaring themselves as independent Kingdoms.   These two behemoth regions were crucial in the feeding of the capital, whose population had long outgrown the crops yielded from Montheus Hinterlands.   King Cato's assassination in 71 ABA resulted in his older half-brother, Carrion, born before King Alexander's marriage to Queen Livia and his Knight Commander of Enther being legitimised and being crowned King of Enther.   King Carrion would swiftly take action, firstly against the "King of Rosinhill" and the "King of Norshire" by enlisting the Orc's to fight by his side.

  • 91 ABA

    91 ABA

    Kingdom of Brethia Makes Contact
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingdom of Brethia becomes more active on the east side of the Nethermore Mountains. An envoy is sent to meet with the King Brethia and a betrothal between Prince Tristain of Enther and Princess Emma of Brethia is made.   In Enther, the remaining active shrine to the Entherians is destroyed and with that the worship of the Entherians (commonly referred to as the Dark Gods) is deemed illegal and treasonous.

  • 101 ABA

    400 ABA

    The Second Age of Men (The Light Age)
    Era beginning/end

  • 170 ABA

    Eire Discovery
    Discovery, Exploration

    The dwarven Kingdom of Eire is discovered by explorers from Brethia. A war between Brethia and Eire breaks out, though Brethia is unable to breach the mountain gates of Eire and retreats, establishing Eire being impenetrable.   The Kingdom of Enther send's envoys to Eire and establish a trade route to the wares of Eire.

  • 250 ABA

    Rise of Charlyon
    Political event

    Another kingdom is prospering in the Entherlands known as Charlyon. Charlyon and Brethia begin to engage in battles and wars regarding their boarders, with both sides eventually reaching a deadlock which has been in place ever since.   Charlyon becomes known for it's extravagant exports such as clothes, jewelry and other materialistic.

  • 270 ABA

    The Watchers
    Life, Organisation Association

    King Pius creates a secret spy network known as the Watchers to work solely for monarch. Headed by the King’s Spy Master, Idris Hargreaves, known from then on as Watcher Hargreaves.

  • 401 ABA

    600 ABA

    The Third Age of Men (The War Age) 400 ABM – 600 ABM
    Era beginning/end

  • 412 ABA

    511 ABA

    The One Hundred Year War
    Military action

    The Empire of Tang at the time ruled all of Owai and looked to expand their empire. They began raiding the eastern borders of the Kingdom of Charlyon , starting first with their occupation of Vol Ion, a large city in Charlyon based on the eastern border.   Charlyon calls to Enther and Brethia for aid and for one hundred years, these usually warring kingdoms aligned to battle these Eastern invaders. Eire, does not answer the call and instead uses the Morathen Gorge as a defence to prevent anyone crossing into the lands of Eire.   Through the combined effort of the Kingdoms, the Tang Empire is eventually sent into retreat after almost 100 years of war.

  • 575 ABA

    The Discovery and Attempted Invasion of Andinia.
    Discovery, Exploration

    The country of Andinia is discovered by voyagers and are welcomed by the natives. The beautiful and fruitful country becomes the desire of the reigning King of Enther, King Pius II, who sets voyage with his fleet to invade Andinia.    Upon the fleet’s approach to the small country, a massive storm sinks all the vessels except one, which turns around back to Enther to tell the tale. King Pius II leaves no apparent heir and as a result it was agreed that the council would choose an elect from eligible candidates (Nobles, War heroes etc).    The Enther Sword is lost with King Pius II and is never seen again. The Harp and the dagger gradually disappear and with their disappearances, it is said that the great weapons are lost and eventually become known in legends as the Forgotten Armaments.

  • 576 ABA

    The Coronation of the Bane Family
    Cultural event

    After the death of King Pius II the The Royal Council called upon the Great Lord's of Enther to vote in a new family to take the throne of Kingdom.   Lord Septimus Bane, Great Lord of Rosinhill won the vote, though he was not without his detractors who spoke of blackmail, bribery and the untimely murder of the front runner, Lord Dasher Winterborne of Norshire.

  • 577 ABA

    579 ABA

    The Holy March
    Religious event

    The end of the main bloodline of the Matheuson line caused a distinctive shift in the relationship between the crown and the faith, whom had always ruled one in the same. The royal line had not only been crowned king of the realm but the High Herald of the Church of the Five.     Despite the faith's pleas to The Royal Council to raise Oland Matheuson as King due to him being a cousin of King Pius and his heir by the laws of inheritance, the council and the lords of the Kingdom had grown disillusioned with the reign of the Matheuson line saying that their blood was what had kept them in power, not their ability to rule.    This enraged the church, who in turn raised one of their own to the rank of High Herald and dubbed the newly anointed king Septimus Bane as a usurper and a traitor of the gods. This in turn would cause a civil war between those loyal to the crown and those who chose piety above their oaths to the crown.    After two years of civil war and unrest, a peace was brokered between the two sides which kept the faith content and King Septimus in power. The bargain decreed much but most importantly a deal that should the opportunity arise for someone of the direct Matheuson bloodline surface, the regent would give up their seat to the one true king.    The King, his council and those loyal to the crown saw this as a win and a foolish deal on the part of the crown but should the blood of heroes ever come forth then blood will run throughout the Kingdom.

  • 597 ABA

    606 ABA

    The Woman's War
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    Princess Eveline Bane becomes the first Queen Regent of Enther by succession and decrees equality between men and woman through the use of extreme violence. She establishes a Queens Guard. The group consisted of strong female warriors from over the world. Queen Eveline would be considered a revolutionary, but her methods of achieving her goals made her a polarising figure. During her reign she had six husbands, who all met untimely deaths.   In 606 She was eventually usurped by a rebellion causing a war which the bards call The Women's War. The Watchers, who had become aware of Bane’s madness, lead the rebellion. Eveline was usurped and executed by the new King, Dorian Hackonson. King Dorian kept much of Eveline’s ideology regarding women but her insanity and inability to see reason resulted in the need for her usurping.   This would mark the end of the Bane Family's short run as the Royal Family of Enther. Septimus's cousin would keep the family name and continue to be lords.

  • 601 ABA

    800 ABA

    The Fourth Age of Men (The Dark Age) 600 ABM – 800 ABM
    Era beginning/end

  • 620 ABA

    625 ABA

    Sybil Black and the Demon Compendium
    Life, Career

    Sybil Black begins her investigations into spirits, both benevolent and malevolent and writes her findings in the Demon Compendium. Black is eventually arrested and executed for plotting to overthrow the Kingdom with the use of magic and creating a demon army. Prior to her arrest she manages to create the Black Door, a rip in time and space opening to the Abyss. The door is never opened and its whereabouts hidden. The compendium is taken into possession by The Shard and kept away safely for centuries until it is eventually forgotten.

  • 631 ABA

    The Royal Octuplets
    Life, Birth

    King Dorian sires’ octuplets, 4 boys and 4 girls, by his Queen Nia, who passes away during the birth and is cut open to save the children.

  • 660 ABA

    The Death of King Dorian and the War of the Seven Eights.
    Life, Death

    King Dorian dies of poisoning by an unknown sickness. The octuplets blame each other and begin to feud over who will succeed their father. One by one, the octuplets begin to wage war against each other until only one brother and sister remain. The brother, Anders becomes the undisputed king, and his sister Regina becomes his Prime Minister. It is believed that they were in fact lovers, who plotted against their father and siblings to take the power. Anders marries a noble woman called Matilda and sire’s an heir, Reginald who is referred to by the common folk as the bastard prince, and subsequently the Bastard King. Nearly a year later, they have a daughter Eleanor.

  • 675 ABA

    The War Games
    Cultural event

    The War Games are established by King Anders as a present to his son Prince Reginald who had a great taste for bloodshed and violence. A large arena was built, eventually being called Reginald's Pit. The War Games are held still into the present day and have become a place for warriors to prove themselves, as well as an execution ground.

  • 689 ABA

    The Bastard King
    Political event

    King Anders dies and Prince Reginald is coroneted as king through succession laws. However this does not sit well with many of the lords and ladies throughout Enther, who have all heard the rumours that Reginald is the spawn of an incestuous relationship between King Anders and his sister Regina.

  • 691 ABA

    Disbanding of the Watchers
    Life, Organisation Association

    King Reginald summons the leader of the Watchers, Watcher Greywind and declares him a traitor and guilty of treason against the kingdom. Greywind is tried and executed by the King with the evidence suggesting Greywind was aligned to the Tang Empire, sellign secrets and information to help a second invasion.   This trial divided the nation. The Greywinds, a long established and respected family begun to plot in secret to rebel and get revenger for the murdered kin.

  • 701 ABA

    The Harrowed Rebellion
    Civil action

    Lord Harrow of Nettleton planned to usurp the Bastard King, under the belief that Reginald is born of incest. Him and his followers declared him "King of the East" Aligning himself with the Greywinds and other old families they begin to gather forces at Fort Harrow. Before Harrow and his allies can lay siege to the capital, Lord Harrow is betrayed by his wife, Lady Harrow and he is executed. As reward, Lady Harrow is moved to Montheus as a Lady of court and her husbands’ lands are burned and salted, destroying the once fruitful lands of Nettleton giving it the name, the Baron Lands.   The Greywinds flee the Kingdom and many of the other families plea for mercy and pledge their full allegiance to King Reginald in exchange for their lives. The rebellion is considered a failure and the violent response from the Crown ends any further chatter of revolution.

  • 702 ABA

    Abandoning the Daggerlands
    Geological / environmental event

    The passages between the Daggerlands and Kingdom of Enther becomes even more treacherous due to raiding parties from both Onderfel, Undrus and Vulumdor  The Royal council declare that the Daggerlands are lost and remove the kingdom from their protection. The passage through the Nethermore mountains is abandoned and a blockade is built in an attempt to exclude the people of the Daggerlands and beyond entering through the passage.

  • 702 ABA

    The Red Clock Towers
    Cultural event

    After the uprising of Lord Harrow the King orders structures to be built in every town and city as a “gift of peace”. These structures called the Capital Clock Towers are build of the same red brick used to build the castle of Montheus. Though fashioned as a gift, the Clock Towers were meant as a reminder that the Crown will always have a hand in every town and village.

  • 720 ABA

    812 ABA

    The Bastard's Plague and the reign of King of the People
    Plague / Epidemic

    In approx 720 ABM a disease known as Reginald’s plague spread across Enther over a 20-year span, wiping out 25% of the population. The common folk believed this was punishment from the gods for allowing a product of incest inheriting the crown. The disease killed indiscriminately, and immediate quarantine was given to those who became infected, with eventually people showing symptoms to be killed in order to prevent mass spreading. Warlocks, Scholars and Alchemists managed to create a vaccination for the disease and the disease was got under control after 20 years. Queen Matilda, Princess Eleanor, his son Prince Jon and other members of the court all perished from the disease. King Reginald becomes more and more manic, tightening the strings on his vassals and especially on the population of Montheus. In 737 ABA The people of Old Town begun to riot in the city, storming high town and the royal quarters. This was met by extreme violence by King Reginald who deployed the city guard and the royal army to engage the revolt. During the three days of violence, King Reginald was assassinated by an unknown culprit. The stories say of the Greywinds carrying out the deed.   After the kings death, the Prime Minister took drastic action to quell the revolt and the fighting was stopped shortly after.   The only surviving heir was a nephew of King Reginald, Prince Duncan who would become the youngest King ever at that time at only 15 ascending in 738 ABA. King Duncan would reign for 60 years and was known as the King of the People, using his power to truly rule and help the people of Enther. King Duncan negotiated trading treaties with the Kingdoms of the Entherlands and overseas, including the Tang Empire.   King Duncan would not bring a child into this world till he knew they were safe from the Bastards Plague. By approx 760 ABM the plague was under control, he and Queen Elizabeth had a plethora of children, his eldest being Prince James in 765 ABA.   In 785 ABM Prince Edwin is born to Prince James and Princess Nina.   King Duncan dies of old age in 812 ABM. He is mourned by the Kingdom and a statue of his is erected at the Cathedral of Montheus. Kings, Queens, Emperors and rulers from over Aigea attended Duncan’s funeral. The heir, Prince Edwin vowed to never let King Duncan’s memory die and to ensure Enther never falls back into war with its new overseas partners.

  • 801 ABA

    900 ABA

    The Fifth Age of Men (The Beast Age)
    Era beginning/end

  • 860 ABA

    863 ABA

    The Kingless Years
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingless Years are a time where the crown was left with no heirs. The kingdom would be ruled by the Prime Minister for a time until a Crowning Council was called, which had not been held since the choosing of Septimus Bane.   James Hackonson, who had unexpectedly abandoned his vows to the church the year prior declared his return to the royal family and declared himself king. Many of the Hackonson loyalists pledge their vote to him and he was pronounced king.

  • 865 ABA

    884 ABA

    King James and Queen Morgana

    A string of deaths results with no more heirs, the crown falls back to the elderly father, Prince James, who’s previous advocation was reversed. Now King James, and Princess Nina dead for over a decade, he marries a young lady called Morgana. No one is sure where Morgana came from as the King announced the wedding soon after his coronation.     The Church was unhappy with King James' ascension despite him being a pious man. His abandonment of the Church was seen as a sin and a crime against the One. This damaged the relationship between the church and the crown.   Prince Edmund is born a year later and in the same year, King James dies of old age. Queen Morgana becomes the ruler of Enther until the baby prince is old enough to rule, with the agreed date being his 18th birthday.   However as the years go on the nobles of Enther become increasingly wary of Queen Morgana and begin to pressure her to relinquish her crown. The advocation is spearheaded by the Prime Minister Oswell Balderstone. She continuously refuses until she is conspired against and framed as planning on marrying an Iphis Sheik and handing over the rule of Enther too him. The people call for her execution and she is taken to the War Games colosseum to be executed. There she is burned at the stake. However, when the flames subside, no trace of a body is left, just a small pile of ashes from where the stake had burned. Prime Minister Balderstone ruled in place of the Queen till Prince Edmund was old enough.   In 884 ABA King Edmund is coronated and becomes ruler of Enther. To purify the bloodline, he is married to another decedent of King Duncan, Samantha Clearwater.

  • 901 ABA

    1000 ABA

    The Sixth Age of Men (The Peace Age)
    Era beginning/end

    The Peace Age begins. For over 100 years, the country is peaceful with no major wars or problems. The economy is stable, poverty and disease is at a low. Three generations of Hackonson royals rule through the age with King Odin II taking Enther into its 1000 year of liberation since the Entherians were defeated.

  • 1001 ABA

    The Seventh Age of Men (The New Age)
    Era beginning/end

  • 1074 ABA

    1075 ABA

    The Daggerland invasion and the battle of the Golden Crossing
    Military action

    In the spring of 1074 the High Chief of the Daggerlands lead an invasion. The forces of the high chief were small and were able to pass through the kingdom up to the North Belt before beign noticed. The High Chief not only brought men, but a monstrous wolf called a Fenir which could rip through men with no effort.    The forces of Kirkminster and Montheus met the High Chief's forces at the Golden Crossing in battle. King Odin III dies in the battle of the Golden Crossing at the hands of the High Chief of Daggerland, who in turn is slain by Prince Regulus ending the Invasion. Prince Regulus becomes King, with his Queen Sophia. A farmer’s son turned soldier from a small village slays the Fenir on the battlefield and is raised to knighthood as Sir Denis Wolfsbane.

  • 1104 ABA

    The March Of The Giants
    Military action

    Giants from the Nethermore begin to appear accross the Kingdom of Enther. They cause catastrophic damage, especially to the Region of Rosinhill which was hit hard by the appearance of the giants.   The Giant's Guard is formed, an organisation specialised in the killing of giants, working to prevent any giants which leave the mountains from wreaking havoc on the kingdom.   During the initial appearance of the giants, a young Callus Riverwood becomes renowned for killing the largest giant on record.

  • 1130 ABA

    The Murder of King Magnus
    Life, Death

    At the start of 1130, King Magnus was found dead, supposedly murdered by his son Prince Bann Hackonson. Alvar Birg, Prime Minister of Enther, reported to have found Bann with a bloody hand after stabbing his father in the heart. The Prince fled the scene, slaying some of Birg's guards who attempted to apprehend the Prince.