
The storage devices that hold exceedingly powerful Manifestations, often Sprites and Daemons, often being a lucrative prize for diving into the labyrinthian insides of Silent Cities.   Once unsealed and the Manifestation inside is released, they can't be resealed, and current scientific sensibilities are still unable to properly examine the Canopics, let alone recreate them.   The devices can take on many forms, with examples of simple shapes such as pyramids and more complicated designs that look like carved jars or other more artistic renditions existing in equal measure.   No matter what the Canopics are shaped like, they are always well decorated and incredibly ornate. Perfect spheres painted like worlds that aren't our own, amphora bearing murals of unknown heroes facing monsters of equal mystery. They often have pieces that look to wrought from precious stones or metals, those of which don't seem to operate within our knowledge of metallurgy and physics.   Canopics are, by and large, indestructible. A fact that gives those that hunt for them a great deal of relief, as the battles to seize them border on the cataclysmic. The ancient defenses and traps of the Silent Cities are loath to suffer the trespasses of adventurers, let alone allow them to remove anything of value from their pristine interiors.
Some cultures refer to canopics with a title that oft resembles the term 'soul jar', a translation of the belief of Daemons and Wisps we in some part related to the souls of either Otonomoi or Humans
Related Species

Cover image: by Night Cafe Ai Art, modified by myself


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