Doxa, God of Competition

God Doxa

Doxa is the God of Competition in the Asamaline Expanse, and one of the six Walking Gods of the The Children of Fortune. He is thought to be the creation of Quivira, Goddess of Battle, and is worshipped by the prideful and competitive. Doxa travels the Expanse, observing major competitions and weighing victories and failures on his dual-colored scales.

Divine Domains

Community, glory, knowledge, magic, nobility, strength, and war.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Doxa is most often represented by a circle, half white and half black, but he is also associated with opals and topaz, interwoven bands of black and gold, tridents, goblets, cloth that is black on one side and white on the other, and merchant's scales.

Tenets of Faith

The Paragons of Doxa have six basic tenets:
  1. Train. Strive to be the best at what the things you set out to do.
  2. Fight. Engage in competition; keep yourself and your contemporaries sharp.
  3. Win. When you fight, do your utmost to win.
  4. Pride. Take pride in your victories.
  5. Learn. Take lessons from your failures.
  6. Teach. Apprentice others beneath you and teach them of your skill.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Doxa travels the Expanse to witness and judge conflicts. On occasion, he blesses the especially skilled with powers, even if they are not of his faith. His reason for doing this is not fully known, but it is speculated that Doxa is preparing the people of the Expanse for some greater threat.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Doxa takes the form of a human male whose body has been split vertically down the middle. His left half is white skin, lightly inlayed with gentle gold filigree, and his left is black skin, lined more heavily in gold. Doxa has six arms, two attached at his shoulders and two more floating above him on either side.

Special abilities

As the God of Competition, Doxa is credited for blessing people in the Expanse with skill in exchange for their effort. It is said that each of one's talents are weighed on his scales, qualities against flaws, and that those who tip the scales towards skill are blessed with victory. Regardless, Doxa has the supernatural ability to perfectly judge contests of any variety - skill, knowledge, power, et. cetera - and accurately determine the objective victor even before the competition begins.


Family Ties

Doxa is thought to be the creation of Quivira, Goddess of Battle, who is the warmaiden of Cirasi, Goddess of Comfort, and the sister to Aiphon, God of Evils. He also has at least one overlapping domain with all other gods of the Chosen of Fortune save for Varanphyr.
Divine Classification
Walking God
True Neutral
Current Status
Judging competitions across the Expanse
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Six-armed Scion of Quivira
Heterochromatic, left gold, right fully white
White, done up in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
The left half of Doxa's body is white and glossy, the right is black and lined with lines of gold
546 lbs
Aligned Organization