The Children of Fortune

The Children of Fortune is a pantheon of six "Walking Gods," those who are physically present on the planet. It is the sister religion to the Six-Seeing Eyes (with six "Watching Gods"), which together form the Paragons of Glory pantheon, the predominant gods in the Asamaline Expanse. The Children of Fortune are considered to be the creations of the gods of the Six-Seeing Eyes.  
  • Shula crafted Niyamor to guide mortals in mercantile matters
  • Noz'thanor created Eva'kander to keep the mortals from himself
  • Agni created Varanphyr to mantle her passion in the world
  • Quivira created Doxa to oversee the competitions of mortals
  • Cirasi created Zitalaz to offer the mortals protection from Varanphyr's storms
  • Aphion created Iyera to lead mortals astray


The Walking Gods are, generally, wont to wander, and so follow no specific organizational structure; no one is beholden to another. However, each god has their domains, and some overlap with one another. This sometimes creates rivalries, but oftentimes their similarities are enough to have them peacefully work together.

Zitalaz, God of Land

agriculture, animal, earth, famine, plant, protection, and strength
Zitalaz, protective scion of Cirasi, is the god of the Expanse's islands. He mandates the mountains, is heralded by the hills, and begat the beaches. Zitalaz is often worshiped by farmers, miners, masons, and by those who live on the backs of the Naga'honu'akua, his sacred beasts. Followers of Zitalaz, known as Lazarites, pray for strength, good harvests, healthy livestock, and (in the case of desperate sailors) for safe land to be found. In many ways, Zitalaz is a god of life, for where would man be without life-giving land?

Varanphyr, Goddess of Sea and Sky

air, chaos, cold, destruction, erosion, luck, ocean, song, travel, water, and weather
Varanphyr, passionate scion of Agni, is the goddess of the Expanse's air and water. She sings of the storm, whispers in the waves, and orates in the oceans. Varanphyr is worshiped by nearly everyone in the expanse, as few can deny the importance of the air and water, but travelers and fishermen are especially devout. Followers of Varanphyr, known as Phyrrians, pray for gentle storms, fortunate winds, and safe travels. Varanphyr is a feared goddess, as the most dangerous things in the Expanse can be found in the seas and skies.

Eva'kander, God of Medicine

artifice, community, good, healing, renewal, and repose
Eva'kander, distant scion of Noz'thanor, is the god of medicine in the Expanse. He soothes the sickly, preserves the pestilent, and heals the hurting. Eva'kander is worshiped primarily by alchemists, doctors, soldiers, and the chronically sick or injured. Followers of Eva'kander, known as Evacares, pray for health, a strong sense of civic responsibility, protection from evil spirits, and peaceful death. Eva'kander is worshiped less prominently than the other Children of Fortune, but the injured or sick quickly come to regret their lack of reverence.

Niyamor, Goddess of Trade

artifice, art, charm, community, creation, law, luck, nobility, runes, and travel
Niyamor, golden scion of Shula, is the goddess of mercantile activity in the Expanse. She cradles the craftsman, animates the artist, and motivates the merchant. Niyamor is worshiped primarily by merchants, artists, nobility, and gamblers. Followers of Niyamor, known as Morians, pray for successful ventures, inspiration and motivation, good luck, and a charming mien. Niyamor is a prominent force among the civilized people in the Expanse, for whom wealth is everything.

Doxa, God of Competition

community, glory, knowledge, magic, nobility, strength, and war
Doxa, six-armed scion of Quivira, is the god of rivalries and competition in the Expanse. He measures the mages, tests the trained, and sets apart the skilled. Doxa is worshiped by the proud and competitive, primarily merchants, craftsmen, nobility, warriors, mages, and scholars. Followers of Doxa, known as Doxians, pray for skill, success, talent, strength, knowledge, and glory. The people of the Expanse are always being tested, and so Doxa is often relevant.

Iyera, Goddess of the Lost

darkness, erosion, fate, knowledge, madness, occult, ocean, ruins, rune, time, travel, and vermin
Iyera, sadistic scion of Aphion, is the goddess of things lost in the expanse. She scuttles the sailor, crushes the civilization, and eclipses the esoteric. Iyera is often prayed against, but some scholars of lost history worship her in hopes she will lift the veil on the unknown. Followers of Iyera, known as The Lost, pray for eyes that pierce falsehoods, knowledge, a glimpse through time, and for the ability to know fate.

Fortune Over All

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
The Walking Gods