Niyamor, Goddess of Trade

Goddess Niyamor

Niyamor is the Goddess of Trade in the Asamaline Expanse, and one of the six Walking Gods of the Children of Fortune. She is thought to be the scion or aspect of Shula, the Goddess of Luck, and is worshipped by predominantly by craftsmen, merchants, and noblemen, but any who seek wealth may revere Niyamor. Currently, she lies asleep in Korosa's Shrine of Gold.

Divine Domains

Artifice, art, charm, community, creation, law, luck, nobility, runes, and travel.


A coin made from the liquid platinum of Niyamor's hair is said to bring good fortune to its holder, but such coins never remain in one's possession for long.   Niyamor's mythological Ship of Gold is also rumored to still be out there, listlessly floating the waves, but none to date have caught more than a fleeting glimpse of it. It is believed that Iyera, Goddess of the Lost, is still working to keep the vessel shrouded in the fog of mythology.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Niyamor is most often represented by a closed eye on a coin, representing her sleeping state and her affiliation with money, but she is also associated with diamonds, silver-tipped paint brushes, black cloth embroidered with gold, and crowns. Long ago, Niyamor was also represented by a golden merchant's vessel, but that icon hasn't seen mainstream use since Niyamor fell asleep.

Tenets of Faith

Niyamor's Creed has six basic tenets:
  1. Create, do not destroy. If given the option, you should always add to the world, rather than subtract from it. Take what it has to give you and make something greater for the betterment of all.
  2. Let your wit be your weapon. Work hard, but do not toil needlessly; act efficiently, and with a clever mind. The long route well-traveled does not seem long at all.
  3. Act kindly. Much in this world is costly, but kindness takes nothing and offers much; this is the essence of strong community.
  4. Live justly. Laws are made to be upheld, for the betterment of all. If the law is kind, then adhering to it is just.
  5. Spend freely. Money exists to be spent, and so it should. When coins change hands, Niyamor smiles.
  6. Noblesse oblige. To be noble, one must act nobly. Let your quality of character be a blessing to all.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Niyamor does not seem to have any active goals, as she remains in a deep slumber. In the past, her goal seemed to be to spread wealth and wanderlust to everyone in the Expanse. Should she ever wake, it is likely that this would still be her desire.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Niyamor takes the form of a very tall woman with skin as black as midnight that becomes lighter as it reaches the extremes of her bodies (her head, hands, and feet) and is dusted with flecks of gold and silver, especially on her face. Niyamor's hair is flowing silver, as if it were molten but lacking heat, that spills down to pool on the floor around her without clinging to her body or losing its wavy shape.

Special abilities

As the Goddess of Trade, Niyamor is credited with the wealth of every individual in the Expanse. It is said that when her sleeping form smiles, trade flows freely, and when she frowns, disaster strikes merchant convoys. There is some debate as to if her emotional state directly effects trade or if the state of trade effects her emotions.

Apparel & Accessories

Niyamor's clothing shifts automatically to whatever the current fashion trend is, though it is always of silver silk and she is always adorned in a diamond and pearl encrusted crown and golden jewelry. Currently, she wears a radiant shoulderless dress in the style of southern Amahitza.


Family Ties

Niyamor is thought to be the creation of Sula, Goddess of Luck, who is the youngest daughter of Cirasi, Goddess of Comfort and the great mother of the Six-Seeing Eyes. She also has at least one overlapping domain with all other gods of the Chosen of Fortune save for Zitalaz.
Divine Classification
Walking God
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Resting in the Shrine of Gold
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Golden Scion of Shula
Current Residence
The Shrine of Wealth
Constantly closed, supposedly golden
Flowing silver rolling languidly to pool on the floor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black as night, brightening to near-white around the forehead and the ends of her extremeites
540 lbs
Aligned Organization