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Tarbaw Nighthill

Town Master Tarbaw Nighthill

Despite his age and physical frailty, Tarbaw is a formidable leader who is highly respected by the people of Greenest. He has a commanding presence and a strong sense of duty, which he instills in his subordinates. Tarbaw is a wise and just leader who is always ready to lend an ear to anyone who seeks his advice. He is deeply committed to the safety and well-being of his town and will stop at nothing to protect his people from harm.
  Tarbaw is not without his flaws, however. He can be stubborn and set in his ways, and his old-fashioned thinking can sometimes clash with the younger generation. He is also known to be somewhat aloof and distant, preferring to keep his personal life private. Nevertheless, Tarbaw is a beloved figure in Greenest, and his years of dedicated service have earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tarbaw Nighthill is a man in his sixties who has devoted his life to serving as the town master of Greenest. The years have not been kind to him, and time has taken its toll on his once youthful appearance. Tarbaw is now partially bald with thinning grey hair that is combed neatly to the side. He has a lined face with deep wrinkles around his eyes and mouth, and his skin is weathered from spending many long hours outdoors.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tarbaw Nighthill was born and raised in Greenest. His father was also the town master before him, and Tarbaw had always been interested in the politics and management of the town. He studied under his father and learned the ins and outs of the position, eventually becoming his father's assistant when he was in his thirties.
  Tarbaw's father passed away when he was in his forties, and he was elected as the new town master in the next election. He had a lot of big shoes to fill, but he was determined to do his best for the people of Greenest.
  Tarbaw's leadership was put to the test during the dragon attack on Greenest. He organized the town's defenses and did his best to protect the townspeople, but the situation was dire. Despite his efforts, the town suffered a lot of damage and many lives were lost.
  After the attack, Tarbaw worked tirelessly to rebuild and improve the town's defenses. He knew that they couldn't let something like that happen again. He sought out help from neighboring towns and even hired mercenaries to bolster their forces.
  Tarbaw is now in his sixties, and the stress of his position has taken its toll on him. He is partially bald with gray hair, and his face shows the lines of a lifetime of hard work and worry. Despite this, he remains committed to serving his town and doing everything in his power to protect its citizens.
Lawful Good
Current Status
Repairing and running Greenest after the Cult of the Dragon attack
Current Location
Current Residence
Ruled Locations

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