
Koubos is a Paradise world of renowned Fame and Glory. This planet out of the entire solar system is by far the most peaceful, serene, and beautiful. Koubos people Population is renowned for their artistry ability and peace loving attitude, they're also known to be very pretty. The people of Koubos have not needed to resort to war for millenia and have achieved a state of world peace and enlightenment. Due to marijuana being legalized many groups of people use both it and the other natural fauna of Koubos to relax. Fulgrim's champion has been observed enjoying a pipe on the balcony after a long day of work and the God emperor of man also partakes on the rare occasions he visits the planet.


Koubos Geographical locations are many words but one of them is stunningly beautiful. Beautiful Forests, jungles, mountains, Oceans and more cover the world, and nothing is polluted. The planet possesses five major Continents and eight major oceans.


The climate of the planet is perfect, no raging storms, no droughts, only peaceful skies and occasional rainfall.

Fauna & Flora

Koubos flora and fauna is as expected peaceful and Serene, Only herbivores and innocent bugs live on the planet and the plant life is actually quite beneficial outside the planet, mostly in the medical field. especially the rare plant, the spark of Light. Other plants seem to bring a state of peacefulness when consumed or burned. among these plants is both greenhouse grown and wild marijuana plants, which are entirely legal due to the scientific research on its benefits by the people of Koubos.

Natural Resources

Koubos is packed full of Natural Resources but Due to the god-emperor Actions, the planet will not be harvesting for its resources. Certain natural resources on the planet are used in the upkeep of cities however all the cities of Koubos meld with their environment and the resources are never used more than they are needed to allow a steady regrowth of what is used.


Koubos is commonly seen as a tourist attraction for The Rose Palace, it's also commonly used as a vacation spot for the rich and Elite. And rarely does the god Emperor himself arrive on the planet for a bit of vacation. Many space marine legions can be found relaxing on Koubos when they are not on duty. As well as the primarchs all though not as commonly.
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