Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike

The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike is a Imperial Jetbike that predated the more common Scimitar Pattern in use with the Legiones Astartes. During its initial trials, the Sojutsu's thrusters were capable of granting the Jetbike limited periods of true flight, and even some maneuverability in space. As a result, it was classed by the Logisticae Imperialis, as an ultralight fighter craft instead of a Jetbike. The Primarch Jaghatai Khan, was known to have retained a specially engineered version of the Sojutsu for his own use. Its enhanced thrusters were capable of carrying the Primarch into battle, with a swiftness that equaled the lesser Jetbikes used by his Legion

Power Generation

The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike is powered by a NX-98 pattern plasma generator that is capable of lasting for decades without being replaced.


The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike is propelled by four massive plasma engines located in the back, All of which are heavily armored and equipped with wings.

Weapons & Armament

The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike is usually equipped with twin heavy bolters located at the front and missiles mounted on the wings. its heavily armored front plow can easily bash through solid concrete walls.

Armor and defense

The frame of the Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike is extensively armored and resilient, capable of withstanding Bolter fire, explosions, and even light vehicle weaponry. the most heavily armored part of the vehicle is the front plow which is capable of bashing through tanks, concrete walls, and especially Infantry. The Vehicle also possesses a Force Shield that further increases its resilience.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike Possesses a highly advanced communication system capable of communicating through thick atmospheres.


The Sojutsu Pattern Voidbike sensors are highly advanced and include but not limited to bio-scanners, energy-scanners, auto-aim devices, Pressure sensors, and more.
Used by
Owning Organization
Very rare as it's only seen with high ranking Space Marines.
5 metric tons
Mach 6 To Mach 8 with afterburners
Complement / Crew
One driver
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
No passengers, can tow 7 metric tons


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