
Terra, also dubbed Holy Terra and known in antiquity as Earth, is the homeworld of Mankind, The ruling throne for the god-emperor of mankind, and the holiest and most revered place in the Imperium. As the capital world of the Imperium, Terra is also home to the main headquarters of many important Imperial organizations, including the Adeptus Terra, the Administratum, and the Departmento Munitorum.


Terra is a hive world; Though much more beautiful than any regular hive world and even having non-polluted oceans and skies. Due to new technologies created by the mechanicus, The Hive cities have been massively improved from the barbaric old designs of the great crusade to new sleeker designs made for stability and comfort over housing as many people as possible. Terra is also home to orbital plates, Massive flying cities that are home to untold millions and can have multiple purposes.


Terra's ecosystem is extremely harsh, being able to support a few hardened creatures that have adpated to the harsh conditions. Most animals from before humanity ventured forth from Terra have long since gone exstinct, though some still show in their decendents which now populate what is left on the surface Terra.


The climate of Terra has remained mostly the same following The Great Migration of humans across the galaxy. The weather phenomena has also remained mostly the same outside of increased intensity.

Natural Resources

Many of the natural resources of Terra have been long since depleted. The few resources remaining are produced inside the hive cities with materials imported from off world. Terra has become a mainly religous and cultural planet over manufacturing since the cleansing of the warp made interdimentional travel slightly less dangerous. Due to this most resource gathering has been ceased on terra, outside of renewable resources farmed inside the Hive Cities.


Terra is the ancestral home of humanity. Despite this fact, most recorded knowledge of our past was lost during The Great Crusade. All records of human history before that period have either been burned or lost to the sands of time. Following our escape to the stars, the previous world leaders decided that humanity would start over among the stars and ordered the records of history be destroyed. Now, only a few full recordings remain of human history before The Crusade and each of them can be traced to powerful figures. Only three copies are known to exist. These are owned by The God-Emperor of Mankind, Trzyn the Infinite, and Horus Lupercal. Other than these copies, it is rumored that the orginal transcription of human history is preserved and hidden away somewhere in the galaxy though none know where it is.


Terra is home to its own economy of tourism, most of which is due to the imperial palace. It is also a popular destination for pilgramages, being the birthplace of humanity and the home of the God-Emperor of Mankind.
Alternative Name(s)
Holy Terra, Earth
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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