The Webway

The Webway Is a dimension between realspace and The Ether is primarily used for traveling but can also be used as a living space for entire races. Again, Due to the actions of The god emperor of mankind and his alliance with the Elder, the webway has been repaired and is now used as a primary travel for many races.


The Webway Geographical location is consistent, yet at the same time confusing. Unlike the other two dimensions, the Webway is consistent with its form, it's just the fact that it's a Unbelievably colossal labyrinth of twisting tunnels of Wraithbone. travel through the Webway is often extremely fast and efficient.


The Webway is the living space for many races allied with the Imperium and Elder. It has no native species as it was constructed by the old ones and never had time to create a species for the Webway. Instead of having a dominant species, the webway is constantly flourishing with all different races. From tall Eldar to the bulk of space marines, one never knows who or what they will find on an excursion through the webway.

Localized Phenomena

Due to the substance of the webway, many natural phenomena do not occur. However, this does not mean that it does not have its share of phenomena. Clouds of localized warp energy form with bolts of colored lightning sparking through them.


Many different people use the webway for all variety of reasons. So much so that shops and apartment complexes have popped up in all sections of the webway. Traders bring unique trinkets such as gems and small tokens from across the galaxy, then sell them on the markets of the webway.
Alternative Name(s)
The great stage (Eldar)
Plane of Existence
Related Tradition (Primary)


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