Iej̣zanh Hrena (/ˈiːʒʔʦɑnˠ ʃxɑnʦ/)

"The Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt are a species of avid contention amongst Ynellian, a brand by which those of significant knowledge label the bizarre and mysterious.   For all the things we think we know of them, we have only heard from their lips. We consider them strong and sturdy folk. Ones of clever mind and tenacious spirit. But is that for fear of the Bhayúrnde blood that lies within them? Or, maybe it's the noble pressure brimming from their scales.   I'd not understand.   Nor would I desire to, for my eversoul burns.   It reviles hotly at their very presence!   What works the Iej̣zanh have created could be considered, in many respects, a great and mighty empire of alchemy and sigil craft. One that stretches all across the pallid shores of the Hailstone Harbour to the evergreen forests of the Timberlands.   And some say, to the muddy black sands of the Ceòey Zâr (Mainland).   Without their castings, subjugating the demonic beasts would be for not. The trade with Hallows useless. And the relic reclamation of our mighty gods arduous.   Yet, d̬âv milmel (don't forget), the smell of nan (dusk) lies heavily upon them."

-Nachtâd Čazmôr, Lord of Yâl Set̬ûn

Basic Information


In millennia long past, the Iej̣zanh were merely salamanderfolk. Their frames, while tall, were slender and covered in folds of loose skin. This moist skin was thin and smooth. Like their descendants, the Iej̣zanh of the time had no claws. Their limbs were short and stubby. And they were generally nocturnal hunters as they could not produce their own heat (ectothermic). Honestly. What a far cry from the progeny of the fallen Bhayúrnde.   But the Iej̣zanh Hrena are different.  


The Iej̣zanh Hrena of today stands much taller than the average Hyyl or Ynellian. The tallest of their brood is around 7'5", at the most. Their shortest, being a mere 6'3''. Along with their lofty height, most Hrenic men tend to have the robust frame of smiths and warriors, broad-shouldered and sinewy. Their forearms are large, their stature unyielding. Yet, while Hrenic women may appear more delicate in the frame, they are no less strapping and toned.  


The tails of Iej̣zanh Hrena are different from their ancestors. Armored, an Iej̣zanh's tail is nearly half their own height (3 to 4 ft). The tail's tip has either a bulbous knob (a club) or elonged spear-like tip.  


Iej̣zanh Hrena are humanoid in form. They bear drake-like scales of shimmering lilac, snowy white, rose gold, and occasionally midnight blue. These scales cover the entirety of their back and waist. You can see they, further, coat the outer arm up towards the back of the hand, draping around the neck like a necklace (collarbone). For older men, it is not uncommon to see boney-like protrusions coming from their chin like a beard of jagged stones.  

Other Traits

Iej̣zanh Hrena have completely black sclera that contrasts notably with their bright, fiery pupils of amber-red. And yet, unlike the legends of dragons long past, the Iejzanh are particularly dusky in complexion. Their dark dewy skin enhances the beauty of their luminous scales. They grow mangled horns around their temples, two long boney appendages of ebony that grow lighter as they curve back delicately. If one looks closely, three smaller ebony horns are on each side of their primary horns. For elder Iej̣zanh, they form something akin to a circlet in appearance.

Biological Traits

The Iej̣zanh have sc
ales that wrap around the upper and lower body. These scales oft differ between age and sex.  

Male Scales

The scales of males tend to be much larger, rougher, and darker than female scales. Male scales are rough, as though weatherworn, battered by numerous storms. It's not uncommon to find workers with oft-splintered or chipped scales. For males, around their elbows are solitary protrusions that jut outward like a jagged blade. Boney and sharp, they are usually meant to be utilized offensively. However, this "spike scale" is filed monthly. Only champions and criminal castes have frequent use of them.
  • As Iej̣zam grow, they tend to shed their skin and scales. For males, as one reaches early adulthood, these new scales are a much darker hue than the previous pair. They range in color from misty violet, cloudy amber, shadowy gray, and dusky blue.

Female Scales

Females, on the other hand, have much smoother scales akin to polished gems. They don't protrude outward like the prickly scales of the males, more so hugging the body like a protective layer. Like platelets sowing fine regalia. Unlike the men, these scales resemble the spiritual colors of dragons. A trait that denotes enchanting beauty in the eyes of Iej̣zanh society, glistening scales of pure lilac or snowy ivory beget the attention of even high synod members.
  • When female Iej̣zanh shed their skin and scales, they grow much brighter in hue than the previous pair. Other than ivory and lilac, you may see shades of rosy amber or luminous blue. The jagged "spike scale" seen in males is nonexistent in females. Instead, spiky bone bristles form at the tip of their tails like a pine cone or the layered petals of a flower.

Blessed Wings

Wóngn Striussn (Blessed Wings) is not prevalent in all the Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt. Regardless of caste, those lucky Iej̣zanh blessed with the asriurr hrie (dragon's will) have long, delicate wings that drape around their shoulders like a silken mantle when closed.   The wings, themselves, are relatively long, reaching toward their ankles. When flared out, however, they appear immense in width. (12 ft ~ 3.6576 m altogether) Keep this in mind, however, while functional, wóngn striussn are useless for 'real' flight.   Note, Wóngn Stiussn are a rarity amongst the Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt. About 3.5% of the Iej̣zanh populous are born with them. Culturally, is it no wonder children born with dragon wings are said to have prodigious potential.


The Dhagómaari have noted when studying the Iej̣zanh that the Iej̣zanh Hrena tend to be painfully solemn by nature, oft strictly pragmatic in their views. Great subtleties and sarcasm, ha! The Iej̣zanh preferred to cut through trivialities. They hate sophistry and milling about one's thoughts.  

  "Go to the heart of the matter. Speak plainly! Waste fewer words!!!"
For them, speaking "straight" represents sincerity and strength. While curt, at times, Iej̣zanhie people tell you their honest thoughts. The martial sorcerers were unsure if all Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt were this reserved.   Honestly, deadpan is an understatement.   Yet, in time, they would understand that this was just one aspect of Iej̣zanh hierarchy.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Caste System

It was only a matter of time before these powerful Sh̬anzt would go on to unite the Iej̣zanh. Promise them the warmth of dragons once more. The artisan sorcerers established a synod, Rienh hee Ssékdt Khó. "The Ministry of Summer Steel." And under them, a new Iej̣zanhie social class system. Hdó Ihňerrawn Ngó, "Blood Caste System."  

Riüzt (Champion), Eigdei (Smith), Ẃotz (Servant), and Dyeurrdt (Slave).
  These are the four castes of the Hrenic people. Each ethnic-social class sets several limits, duties, and liberties upon their charges. While not always hereditary, each caste is both stagnant yet fluid. Restrictive but purposeful. For, Iej̣zam Hrena are compulsive pragmatists. They believe society should hold law and order. That, a wrought ring of circles. One born of solid codes, deliberate form, and united ambition.
Champions, the tempered swords of justice. They uphold public order, protect the weak from evil, divide the leeches from the proper, and spill the blood of Rienh's enemies. He is a soldier, lawman, sentinel, and just magister. The Riüzt are trained from birth to protect the Utie Ẃlú (right sun; proper society) with their lives. Only their hands are worthy to wield an aigann (wand).
Smiths, the chiseled furnace of culture. They build the wands of war, craft the sigils of light, brew elixirs of strength, and concoct poisons of great ruin. It is the smiths that design the architecture of society. She is an artisan, alchemist, runesmith, scholar, and holy sorcerer. The role of an Eigdei is to give Utie Ẃlú the promise of tomorrow.
Servants, the nimble wheel of society. They gather the resources, clean the barracks, bake the bread, and stoke the coals in the furnace. It is the servants that teach the next generation. She is a steward, farmer, cook, miner, and esteemed agent. Servants are the Utie Ẃlú, paving the way for the Smiths and Champions.  
Slaves, the leeches of the blood corps. They operate as cannon fodder, trashmen, poison tasters, rune testers, and demon bait.

Facial characteristics

The Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt are well known to have hooded eyes and slightly downturned lids hiding bright eyes of a wary, inquiring nature. Oddly, their faces are particularly more amphibian than draconic.   Men tend to have heads that are oblong-shaped and square, while women are more round and diamond-shaped. The thin maw of the Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt hides sharp teeth (oft filed down by non-champion castes). And their external nares are considerably flat and smooth with particularly narrow slits. These Salamanderfolk have no external ears to speak of.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Iej̣zanh Scales shield their bodies like steel plates, weathering the harshest storms, whether infernos or hail. They are particularly resistant to some sorceries. Said by many a sorcerer that "it was as though the embers refused their call, gracing them but never moving to their tone."  


Though their potential for other sorceries is for naught, the Iej̣zanh have excellent physical senses. In fact, their hearing and eyesight may be the best in the world. Iej̣zanh have a sort of darkvision. Most can see perfectly well in the darkness, having no trouble wandering the forests in the dead of night or wandering the caves without torchlight. Many can see upwards of 5 miles (8 km) on a clear day.   On the other hand, their sensitivity to sounds is near omnidirectional. Iej̣zanh have nothing that could be considered an outer ear like other races. They take in airborne vibrations. These vibrations flow from their lungs to their inner ears by air, creating sound. Not only that, it appears a sorcerous-like membrane lies above their skin. Some vibrations bounce off their scales are captured and pass through their skin to their inner ear.   As such, the Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt, more so, feel the sounds before hearing them. An Iej̣zanh smith once said. If she were to close her eyes, she could make a mental map of their surrounding that the sounds produced. Is it no wonder many blind Hrena manage perfectly fine without their eyes?   Though, their sense of smell is relatively poor in comparison. Smells tend to "blend together" with them.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Before the Great Cold

Five thousand years ago, the soul castes of Hrena did not exist. The Iej̣zam were a relatively docile and peace-loving people. Living in lands ruled by dragons, they held no fear of conflict. The Iej̣zam of that time lived in small communes across the Hailstone. Close to rivers, lakes, and creaks. Salamaderfolk divided themselves solely by region and cultural practices.  

Draconic Rebirth

Though, that changed after the Dim Sh̬aitfe. When the dragons disappeared, the warm lands of Hailstone fell, consumed by blistering cold. As Iej̣zam absorbed the remaining draconic aura of Hailstone, wishing to survive, they became the Iej̣zam Hrena. Dragon Newts. As the centuries passed, sorcerers were born amongst them.   These artisan sorcerers would stoke the flame of their reticent eversouls to inscribe runes onto weaponry and tools. They would gather the essence of herbs to create poisons and elixirs. In time, the Hrena called this power Oahurrzm Sdeieu. "Casting Sorceries."


For a time, the Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt (Great Scale Salamanders) was said to be a species akin to Ynellian, true descendants of unearthly gods. But as sorcerers approached the modern age. And their Iej̣zanhie smiths and warriors mingled into sorcerer society. The Iej̣zanh would tell them the truth from their very mouths.  


They were not descendants of the long fallen Bhayúrnde. No, not in a true sense. Yes. They had once lived amongst them and worshipped the dragons at one time or another. However, the Iej̣zam became as they are by chance. The Htürrnz Ló Ythkhú Únh, 'Hailstone Harbor,' was warm then. Magically so.  
"Do you know what happens to a cold land embraced by the warmth of divine dragons, hie hdiu ieḳ? (human friend?) Molded by the alien magics of a superior being. It becomes a Ẓiel Thúnhurrznh Striussn (poisoned holy land). A place perfect for G̬úň Ihéstho (true gods)."
  Many millennia ago, their people grew up in Treh Gdailiegh Nhiuwschliukke (The Snow lit Swamp) of the Sdóthzie Hreh (Purple Heaven, Northern Spirituality). The Sdóthzie Hreh was just one of many kindreds that ruled the Hailstone. At that time, no Iej̣zam held the anzt (scales) of dragons. Their ancestors had smooth skin, moist and colorful. They had no claws for war and roamed the creeks bathed in a draconic warmth.   For millennia, the Iej̣zanh knew this to be the natural way of things. They thought the Hailstone to be a tropical place. Warm, muggy, and peaceful. There, the Bhayúrnde lay about the land, resting. The dragons roamed about the land indifferent to all that resided but their own. Their brood grew, playing amongst the beasts majestically.   It was their Ẓiel Striussn until the Bhayúrnde left.  

The Great Cold

Several millennia ago, the dragons began to journey away from the Hailstone. Then, short intermittent periods. For the Iej̣zanh, these times would last between a few months to a few years. Irregular, yet the dragons would always return. But, maybe then they should have questioned things. They should have prepared themselves and accepted the truth that stood before them. As the dragons' excursions got longer and longer, their lands grew colder and colder.   And one day, the Bhayúrnde would not return. A Htanh Sh̬aitfe (Great Cold Age) would slowly consume the Hailstone for five thousand years. For a time, the Iej̣zam did not understand.  
"Why did the dragons leave? What is this cold that covers their home?"
  As each passing season froze over with glistening snow, many of their kindred perished. Their children would grow increasingly ill. Many tribes would disappear in the long winters, never heard from again. In the passing decades, as their kind struggled for survival, some of them would finally accept the truth.   The humid warmth of the Hailstone was but an illusion born of the dragons. It was never real!  
The lands of Hailstone lie veiled in Sú Kogh Hdo (Stained Air). Like a toxic vapor, the foreign miasma of dragon magic bled into the soil. Once tainted by the black blood of gods, is it no wonder everything that grew there was vibrant or resistant to poison? In its natural state, the aura of Hailstone Harbor is full of death and decay.   As dragon magic faded from the very land, claimed by chilling cold, so too did their Ẓiel Striussn. Yet remnants remained. And the creatures of Hailstone would claim this warmth for themselves. They would take the Sú Kogh Hdo into their very being. It was here that the Iej̣zanh were reborn. The weight of their eversouls became reticent yet oddly solid and warm. As centuries passed, many younglings began to grow vibrant anzt. It shielded them from the frigid cold of winter and the hail showers of spring.   The Iej̣zanh, now covered in hard scales, resembled the dragons they worshipped.

Genetic Ancestor(s)

300 ~ 400 years

Average Height

6'3" ft to 7'5" ft (average)

Average Weight

Males: 190 lbs. to 280 lbs. (86.183 kg to 127.0 kg)
Females: 160 lbs. and 210 lbs. (72.58 kg to 95.25 kg)

Average Physique

The Iej̣zanh Sh̬anzt are acknowledged as a long-lived species, outliving any Hyyl. Regardless, they can't sustain themselves as long as any Ynellian or Ďagômaari. Their life expectancy is a mere 400 hundred years compared to the Ĉavic vampires of the Land of Semblances.   And it is good to note that a considerable portion of their population is particularly able-bodied in stature. They tower above any Hyyl or Ynellian. Their builds range from robust and muscled from many years of smithing or long and limber from copious days of running errands, gardening, alchemy, and sigil-craft.

Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

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