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Cel'Zera Trunandor

Character, PC

Cel'Zera Trunandor (née Defigura) is a Beauty Cleric and Rogue who joined the Ufros Party at its creation after the attack on Silverhold. She frequently uses the name Celane Trunandor and after Ufros Party disbanded she is now a Heartwarder of Sune at the Heartward Hall in Serilya.


Cel often takes the form of a High-Elf Female with a slender frame just over 5ft tall. She wears a long red noble gown with white sleeves and adornments that covers her body from collarbone to shoes, around her neck she also wears a golden necklace of Sune and carries a golden flute. Cel is pretty without blemishes or scars and has a long white braid that falls down into the small of her back.   In her true form Cel'Zera appears mostly the same, however her skin is a slightly reddish-white, eyes a very dim white and pink hair that is as long as she is tall.   Since taking on the mantle of Heartwarder, Cel redesigned her old dress to have a Scarlet tone and a crinoline, becoming far less practical but more ostentatious then the one she had worn on her travels as she wished to be very distinctly acknowledgeable as the Heartwarder.


Cel was a Charlatan first operating in Serilya with Barmus and the Nightlocks, later moving to Silverhold and continuing her schemes there after Barmus was arrested. Eventually she was caught and arrested by Sir Conan Terth, where she escaped with and formed the Ufros Party.


Barmus Trunandor

Cel first viewed Barmus as a friend and mentor, helping her learn to survive nearly alone in Serilya after he found her in the Heartward Hall. As the years passed and the two matured Cel began to view Barmus in a more romantic light, though never confessing her feelings to him publicly before the two were separated by the botched Potion Job. Cel took Barmus' surname as her own fake name in the following years. The two were eventually reunited after it was revealed that Rhistal had trapped Barmus in a suit of enchanted armour. After resurrecting him and bringing him to safety, the two resumed their relationship and married after just over a year.

Shay Eldr

Shay had moved to Serilya shortly after Cel fled, taking on the role of an escort with one of her clients being Lord Garrett, the man who had stolen Cels mother. The two met in the Silverhold Jail when the Ufros Party was formed. They got along despite their vastly different religious views, with Shay encouraging Cel to leave her Charlatans ways behind, which she did after Shays death imbued the words deep in her.

Adgrim "The Little"

Originally viewing the Giant as someone caring that she could confide in, their relationship was strained when the party disbanded after Adgrim left Vlaryn to die in Molremir. Though Adgrim later believed his judgement to have been compromised, the two spoke little after with the new Heartwarder considering stripping him from the monuments to their deeds that she had raised and instead replacing him with the woman that had nearly lost her life to his actions. Though in the end she decided against it.
Cel Cropped.jpg
Half-Elven Changeling   Sex
Female   Age
19 (During Campaign)   Alignment
True Good   Class
Beauty Cleric and Rogue   Places
Serilya   Family
Bell'za Defigura (Changeling Mother)
Ancharis Defigura (High Elf Father)
Barmus Trunandor (Tiefling Husband)   Profession
Charlatan (Formerly)
Adventurer (Formerly)
Heartwarder   Associations
Ufros Party / Wardens Wacers
Heartward Hall (Leader)   Faith
Sune, The Lady of Love   Played by

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