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Garagos, The Reaver


Garagos was a being that represents war and destruction. He was a demigod under the divinity of Tempus, Lord of Battles 


He is depicted as a strong man of pure muscle wielding several different types of weaponry. Sometimes he is depicted as having several arms, each holding a different blade.   His attitude encourages conflict, and he is rash and short-tempered. He has little value for life, instead favouring destruction and battle to resolve anything, or even just for the sake of slaughter and violence.  


The reaver saw beauty in destruction, and thus he used his immense power ravaging the plane of Pandemonium. He saw this as training, and sought to overthrow the Lord of Battles to gain more power over the War domain.   While he wasn't doing this, he would be encouraging conflict and destruction among his followers, extending his influence to the Prime Material, giving strength where needed.  


In the Era of Creation, many War domain powers were born from the aftermath of the battle between Shar and Selune. They all fought for divine power, and only Garagos and Tempus remained.   Tempus was victorious in their duel, but he spared Garagos, leaving him to serve as a Demigod.  


Followers of Garagos spent their days fomenting strife throughout the world, knowing that each conflict contributed to Garagos's ability to claim divinity. They believed that Garagos eventually would regain his divine strength, unseating Tempus as the supreme War domain god.   They continually created and expanded networks of spies, faithful warriors, and other agents to increase the power of the clergy. Power in the group was always decided by strength and in places this promoted a rather tribal and barbaric way of life.  


  • Peace and pacifism are for the weak and naive. War makes all who fight strong.
  • Only cowards avoid battle. Striking down a foe from ambush are to be scorned as the cowards they are.
  • Seek to awaken bloodlust and reaving everywhere, and take part in these sacred things whenever prudent or possible.
The Reaver   Entity Type
Demigod   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Masculine   Alignment
Chaotic Evil   Domains
War   Relationships
Tempus, Lord of Battles (serves)   Home Plane
Pandemonium   Divine Realm

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