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Selune, The Lunar Guide

Deity, Core Pantheon

Selune is the goddess of the moon, and twin sister to Shar, The Night Mistress. She is known primarily as a faith sought by those searching for guidance, either to navigate, or emotional guidance to find purpose. She is also the patron deity of good-aligned lycanthropes.  


Like the phases of a moon, Selune takes many forms to cater to whatever her followers need. One was a dark-skinned human woman of exquisite beauty, another was an ethereal young girl with dark eyes and hair. A third was a matronly middle-aged woman who mingled with the common-folk from time to time.   The most common depiction paints Selune as the embodiment of the moon, waxing and waning, guiding anyone who sought her faith.  


She was believed to control the ebb and flow of the tides and the phases of the moon, as well as comfort those in need during the night. Her moon shined a light in the darkness and kept evil at bay.   Selune's spirit is said to be the moon itself, and through it, she has the ability to influence the powers of Lycanthropy.   In the years following the Age of Humanity, Selune was known to aid travellers, especially sailors, in navigating to their destination.  


Selune was believed to be one of the oldest deities in the Everplanes along with Shar, Mystra and Chauntea.   See The Creation Myth.   During The Divine War, Selune saved Pelor when Shar tried to kill him. This was done by blotting out the sun with a solar eclipse. This rekindled her eternal battle with Shar.


Selunes followers were a very diverse group as her teachings appealed to anyone seeking guidance, compassion or protection. Many night workers also prayed to Selune to cope with any hardships they felt.   Sailors and navigators would pray to the Lunar Guide to show them the way as well as protect them from the Storm Bringer and to fend off other oceanic threats and guide them in the right direction.   Lycanthropes of good or neutral alignment also revered Selune as the one who controlled their condition.   Astrologers and diviners could also turn to Selune as a ruler of fate as apposed to the Matron of Ravens.  


A tale taken very seriously by sailors is that one who mocked Selune while aboard a ship would never complete their voyage.   Moonstone was believed to be sacred to Selune by her followers and objects made out of it were thought to be sacred. In addition, some believed silver to also be sacred to Selune, as it was thought to be her hardened tears.   According to the Dark Moon heresy, Selune and Shar were the two faces of the same goddess.    


  • As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does life. Take it in stride and know the Lunar Guide watches over you.
  • Let the night protect you from the burning light of fanatical good and the absolute darkness of evil.
  • Turn to the moon, and she will be your true guide. Walk unbridled and untethered, finding and forging new memories and experiences.
The Lunar Guide   Entity Type
Deity   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Feminine   Alignment
Chaotic Good   Domains
Knowledge, Life, Light, Protection, Twilight   Relationships
Pelor, The Dawnfather (ally)
Shar, The Night Mistress (enemy)   Home Plane
Ysgard   Divine Realm
Gates of the Moon
This is the battle you and I must fight forever, Shar - Night devouring the light of the moon, the light replenishing itself. The is our place in the balance of nature!
— Selune to Shar during the Divine War

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