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The Raven Queen

Deity, Core Pantheon

The Raven Queen is the goddess of Death and Fate. She is mysterious and a mortal ascendant who now rules the Shadowfell, leading souls to their afterlife. She is the patron deity of the Shadar-kai elves.  


The Raven Queen is described as a tall and slender woman, elf-like, with flowing black hair and pale, porcelain skin. She almost always wears a blank, porcelain mask hiding emotion and truth.   Many sages speculated that she was insane, though in the rare times she speaks to non Shadar-kai followers she speaks softly and carefully.  


The Raven Queen and her followers preserve the natural end of life as well as guide souls to the afterlife when their time comes. The Shadar-kai act as her immortal servants who venture around the planes ensuring fate is maintained and souls make their way to her.   Mortals trying to subvert the natural order of life draw attention from the Matron. Mortal followers of the Raven Queen uphold this ideal strongly.  


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The history of the Raven Queen is only known through tales from ancient elven history. In the Age of Humanity, she was an elven Queen adored by her people. Her name is lost to time.   When Corellon and Lolth were locked in conflict during the War of the Seldarine, the Raven Queen tried to use the souls and magic of her people to elevate to godly status to try to salvage the Elven Pantheon. As she gained power through the Rite of Ascension, more elves gave their magic and souls to her, to help her achieve her goal. These became Shadar-kai.   A circle of elven mages tried to stop this ascension and prevented the Raven Queen from reaching the upper planes through the Feywild. The Raven Queen's divine wrath corrupted these mages as she was brought down into the depths of the Shadowfell. These mages became twisted but immortal beings called Nagpa.   The Shadar-kai were loyal to the Raven Queen and established around the now ascended Deity of the Afterlife and Fate in her divine domain in the Shadowfell.   Following her ascension, the Raven Queen and her followers fought against Vecna, The Whispered One, weakening his influence enough for him to be defeated.   She now rules the Shadowfell from her Fortress, leading souls to the afterlife and becoming more and more obsessed with Fate and the memories of those who pass her by.


Followers of the Raven Queen uphold her ideals strictly. Some enforce the punishment and prevention of those trying to unnaturally extend their life or of others through necromantic means. Others aid in guiding souls from the deceased to the afterlife and ensure a peaceful burial.   Her warriors are in a constant search for followers of both Vecna and Orcus, trying to put an end to whatever plans they may have.   The Shadar-kai are her immortal servants who enact her will from beyond the Divine Mythal.  


  • Death is the natural end of life. There is no pity for those who have fallen.
  • The path of Fate is sacrosanct. Those who pridefully attempt to cast off their destiny must be punished.
  • Undeath is an atrocity. Those who would pervert the transition of the soul must be brought down.
The Raven Queen
The Matron of Ravens   Entity Type
Deity   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Feminine   Alignment
Lawful Neutral   Domains
Death, Twilight, Grave   Relationships
Orcus (enemy)
Vecna, The Whispered One (enemy)   Home Plane
The Shadowfell   Divine Realm
Fortress of Memories

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