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Tiamat, The Undying Queen


Tiamat is the evil queen of chromatic dragons. A fearsome divine being of greed, envy and wealth, and the sworn enemy of Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon. She is the patron deity of most chromatic dragons.  


Tiamat was unique in appearance, being an incredibly large dragon with a head for each of the five primary colours of chromatic dragon (white, blue, black, red, green). Her body was that of Red Wyrm. In addition to these heads, her tail resembled that of an Elder Wyvern, ending in a poisonous stinger.   Each head was able to operate entirely independently of each other and had the powers of a member of the respective type of dragonkind.   Tiamat was greedy, hateful, manipulative and vain. She never forgave any slight and was always focused on obtaining more power and wealth. She frequently exploited her mortal followers, viewing them as disposable tools in her schemes.  


Tiamat's schemes vary widely in scope but always pertain to the acquisition of power: either in might, magic or influence. She has tried to take control of the Everplanes several times. On the prime material she had particular interest in Forthal and its surrounding regions.   Tiamat keeps an active watch over other evil dragonkind and always stirred them to further actions of avarice.   As a current prisoner of The Nine Hells, her current goal is to break free.  


Tiamat, The Chromatic Dragon was a child of Asgorath, born when Asgorath was slain in their battle against the primordial Erek-Hus during The Dawn War. Both Tiamat and Bahamut rose in this conflict, slaying Erek-Hus, working together for the only time in their lives. They have been enemies ever since.   Following the Dawn War, Tiamat fought in The Thousand-Year War against the Giants, circa -16500 MR. This battle culminated in a truce, decided by a game played by Garyx and Annam, All-Father. Many believe the battle was ended due to the civil war between Chromatic dragons and Metallic dragons.   Both Tiamat and Bahamut existed on separate ends of the Everplanes. Tiamat in Forthal and Bahamut in Ourobos, separated by the Ssharstrune Ocean. For millennia, the two rallied the growing populations of both dragonkin and mortal beings, occasionally fighting over territory.   Between the periods of -4000 and -3500 MR, during the Days of the Divines, both Tiamat and Bahamut ascend to godhood. Tiamat gaining her minor divinity through the act of destroying and consuming the power of other ancient chromatic dragons, empowering each of her heads.   Circa -1650 MR, a battle broke out between Tiamat and Bahamut of a much larger scale than previous conflicts. In this battle, several lieutenants of either side were slain as well as countless mortal followers. Tiamat herself was slain at the end of the conflict, though her divine self still remained as a Dead Power.   During The Arcane Epoch, Tiamat managed to reach out to a loyal red dragon worshipper. This dragons name is lost as they adopted the name of Tiamat and began their scheme of killing the strongest chromatic dragons: Glacerion, Frost Father, Idrazel, Storm Tyrant, Aglaros, Verdant Guile and Hrosketil, The Everblight. Tiamat had reformed and immediately overtook the dwarven city Thulkor, renaming it using the draconic suffix for kingdom -iir: Thulkiir.   Tiamat's new reign did not last. Children of the ancient dragons she killed rallied against Tiamat, calling themselves the Asgorathian Unity. With the help of Mages in Forthal they created the Chromatic Artifacts, one for each colour. Using these, they sealed Tiamat in Avernus, in The Nine Hells.  


Tiamat is followed loyally by many evil chromatic dragons, though those influenced by the Asgorathian Unity show her great disdain.   Many chromatic dragonborn and other mortal cultists loyally follow Tiamat with schemes to break her free, or allow her essence to live through other beings. In 257 MR, the Cult of the Azi Dahaka tried just this, but was thwarted by the Storm's Ward.  


  • Amass wealth, and spend little. The gold, and the power that comes with it, is sufficient reward.
  • Do not forgive or forget an indignity to yourself. Let no affront go unpunished.
  • Take what you covet. Those without the strength to defend their dominion are not worthy to have a dominion.
The Undying Queen
The True Queen
  Entity Type
Greater Deity   Pantheon
    Perceived Gender
Feminine   Alignment
Lawful Evil   Domains
Trickery, War   Relationships
Bahamut, The Platinum Dragon (enemy)
Asmodeus (former master, ally)   Aspect(s)
The Dark Lady
The Chromatic Dragon
The Undying Queen   Home Plane
Avernus, Nine Hells   Divine Realm
Tiamat's Lair, Avernus (currently)
Cave of Greed, Dragon Eyrie (formerly)   Holy Day(s)
Festival of Vengeance, 28th of Junes

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