Telventis Divine Laboratory Building / Landmark in The Everwuld | World Anvil
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Telventis Divine Laboratory

The Telventis Divine Laboratory is a legend. A rumor amongst many an adventurer although I have yet to personally determine its location or even if it exists in the first place. It is said to exist somewhere in the ruins of the city of Telventis, near the edge of the Everwild and the Neverveil. I spent many months scouring that ruined city, fighting off regular attacks from the jungle beasts that have taken up residence in this region only to come away empty handed.   Telventis is said to have been the city where Gnomes, Goblins, and Warforged first called home, the city built by the hands of the old god Rain. However with Rain presumed dead and the city left in ruins by the Cataclysm, it is difficult to verify these stories. Even so, Telventis has been a lucrative ruin to explore for many an adventurer with its wealth of old world technology tucked away the remains of its crumpling skyscrapers. Some adventurer's even report of finding the laboratory of Rain herself hidden in tunnels below the city. Although all of my sources claiming to have made this discovery have been reluctant to part ways with the information on how to access this area. And inevitably they seemingly disappear shortly after. Leading creedence to my thoughts that this rumored laboratory may be incredibly dangerous.   Perhaps in time this fabled sprawling underground research facility will be discovered and its secrets made known, but for now, it remains hidden somewhere, away from prying eyes.  
  • Except from Volume 9 of Moriticia Von Kemmler's Guide to the Everwild
  • Purpose / Function

    The Telventis Divine Laboratory was a structure built by the goddess Rain to house her many experiments. Rooms upon rooms of testing facilities and research labs stand within this labyrinthine structure. While much of the laboratory has fallen into ruin, some rooms still whir and click with ancient machinery, continuing to run tests or analyze data, waiting to be collected by their long gone masters.


    This location used to span across the entirety of the region, being larger than the ruined city it now sits beneath. But now many of its corridors have collapsed and many rooms have been burred or cut off from the rest of the network. While it was in operation, it was constantly being expanded by Rain for use in her experiments.


    The laboratory is carved from the stone of the earth and reinforced with steel, plastic, bronze, and other synthetic polymers. The corridors of this laboratory are often confusing and difficult to follow with them looping around each other and some leading to dead ends. Rain being paranoid and a bit of a trickster, equipped many labs and attached hallways with dangerous traps, much to the annoyance and horror of some of her employees, and to adventurers seeking to loot the place.

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