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Apartments Borough

The place where refugees caused by the Global War has to rest for a while, but then became the permanent residential area, later became the official borough.

Many families loss their shelters during such war; Some by the bombing, and some from the forced evacuation, but some were just… gone. The usage of the superpower called the Ejector leveled several cities in Sungear Republic. Those families migrate to the strongest city of all which was Sungear. The local government decided to spend some of the abandoned lands to construct these temporary refugee camps.

Many were built with cheap materials and modular structures, meaning that it could only withstood the environment for less than a decade. After the war, however, many chose to live and start their families in the capital. The community became strengthened. There were some unrest also which has been beaten up in mo time, causing even more resistence. It last for around month or no according to old records, even though the time is unclear.

So, the government decided to take a general vote, in which the refugees absolutely won. They appointed for citizenships. They upgraded its infrastructure for the longevity, and even upgraded their house to be permanent.

Nowsdays it became the most diverse place on despite locating at the suburban. Many culture from around the world had been together without major conflict. These demographic included Sungish, Arwish, and Luminian. Although most of the original building were gone, the legacy of the humanian remained in this area.

Parent Location
Owning Organization

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Author's Notes

For Summer Camp 2024
3/8/2024 - 15th prompt submitted!

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